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A Heartfelt Prayer of Surrender
5/8/2015 1:52:37 PM

The Daily Prayer 05.08.2015

“A Heartfelt Prayer of Surrender”

Lovater H. Jones, RScP
Lovater H. Jones,RScP

“*I have said that man does not think; that it is *I, within him, who do his thinking…..For *I, within him, do all that he does, but *I necessarily do it through his organism, through his personality, his body, mind and soul.”

The Impersonal Life

Anonymous/Joseph S. Benner**

What a powerful sense of awareness and freedom it is to know that it is not I, but the Father/Spirit/Thinker within that does that which is for me to do. IT is my breath! IT thinks my every thought! IT is the LIFE that lives through my physical I give thanks to LIFE for sustaining me; for maintaining me; for providing for me and for functioning through me. I surrender my all to THAT which is right now expressing ITSELF as me. In this moment of surrender, I, (your name), fade from view and the Father/Spirit/Thinker becomes visible; therefore “when you see me, you have seen the Father/Spirit/Thinker.” WE ARE ONE!

I accept this as Truth and ALLOW it to be! And so it is!

“Think this out and prove it for yourself.”

The Impersonal Life

Lovater Harris Jones RScP

*From the Publisher: Try to imagine that the “I” speaking through the message is

the Spirit within your own soul, The Impersonal Self.

** Joseph S. Benner wrote as Anonymous prior to his death.

Joy Lynn Hertz is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM 87107

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