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Richard Mathiason

1539 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
A Treatment For Baltimore
5/2/2015 1:32:32 PM

The Daily Prayer 05.02.2015

“A Treatment For Baltimore”

Dr. Kenn Gordon, CSL Spiritual Leader
Rev Dr Kenn Gordon

Joyously I acknowledge the One Power that encompasses and connects all of life. Knowing that each and everyone, that all and everything is Divinely connected to this One.

I speak my word for everyone who is open to this Truth knowing without doubt or hesitation that Life is perfect, whole and complete. That every action, every expression and every thought is Divine in its application. That anything that appears dysfunctional, distressing or disturbing is the natural enfoldment and evolution of a Divine balance playing itself out in perfection. That life in its perfection delivers peace and justice in every incident and every case without qualm, error or mistake.

I speak my word for the enfolding situation in Baltimore recognizing and knowing that Spirit is the purveyor of justice and that the end result of all is an awakening in each and everyone to the equality, the compassion and the loving connection that we share. Knowing that whatever the result appears to be it is nothing more and nothing less than the Divine reckoning of a blessed and connected world.

I speak my word for those in distress, for those who have been harmed and for those who harm, understanding and accepting that there is an all seeing justice that takes place and that every action and corresponding reaction is the Divine out picturing of an evolving and growing understanding of the truth and beauty of life. In this knowing, no prejudice, no violence and no bias can exist. Hatred turns to love and clarity reigns as every cause reaps an effect of balance, understanding and compassion. That equality is the natural state and that everything and all things universally conspire to bring light, love, joy and beauty into effect.There is a higher judgement at play in this case, a Divine out picturing that must result in fairness, generosity of spirit and inclusive and accepting equality and love not just for those embroiled but for all of life itself.

The Higher Power, that is inherent and available within every soul embraces this truth, it recognizes it on every level and it calms, soothes and nurtures. Everything that needs to be known, is known. Everything that needs to be done, is done. Everything that needs to be felt, is felt. It dissolves and dissipates all sense of separation, less than, more than and every aspect of fear or lack. It attracts all of the light, the love and the understanding required to bring peace and justice forward fluidly and easily.

Knowing this to be so, I simply give thanks and I release this prayer into that One Mind that is All Mind, living from it with expectation, anticipation and love.

And so it is. Amen.

Dr. Kenn Gordon

Dr. Kenn Gordon is the Centers For Spiritual Living Spiritual Leader

Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM 87107

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