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Parade through my Heart
4/27/2015 2:00:10 PM

The Daily Prayer 04.27.2015

“Parade through my Heart”

Nancy Bowers, RScP
Nancy Bowers, RScP

Spirit surrounds me. It is in the much-needed rain, in the freshness of the air, the newness of the day, the peace that finds me on a quiet, slow morning. I know that Allness, that something that I call God, is everywhere, forever present, and when I pause for a moment and drink in the quiet, I find It. I feel Its essence as Love and Joy and Infinite Blessings. I feel Its Goodness. I know Its Support.

And part of that Support is my awareness of being ever-connected to It. I am one with It. It is the essence of my being. I am as It is. Loving. Good. Peaceful. Kind. And Giving, for It is Generous and so I am generous. As I give I receive and I breathe into that awareness knowing I am ever-supported. In this state of oneness, I align myself with all of humanity, knowing that what is true of me, is also true of you; for we are connected. As God is, I am and you are. Can you feel the magic of it? Are you letting it parade through your heart?

For I know I am ever-supported. I relax into happiness, for is this moment, I recognize how blessed I am. I allow God to parade through my heart, to guide my every decision, to color my every word. For God is Love and love is what I am, so I allow this to guide me always, I let this be my truth. I drink in the blessings that surround me, knowing I am always loved, always supported, always blessed. And what I know for me, I know for you and I claim that awareness for you now. I claim for you the openheartedness that lets God rule your life, that lets Love steer your every intention, your every word, your every action. For it is who I am and it is who you are. We are part of the God parade.

And I give thanks for that. I give thanks for the knowingness that allows me to remember this truth. I give thanks for the teachings that have helped me choose love over fear. I give thanks for the friends and family that urge me back to center when I step off-path. I give thanks, I give thanks, for I know I am always loved and supported. I know I am always at home in God. I know God parades through my heart and anoints me unceasingly. I know, and I am grateful.

Then I let it go. I let it go for it is done and so there is nothing more to hold onto. I release my prayer into the Law. I declare it so.

And So It Is. Amen!

Nancy Bowers is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM 87107

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