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RGCSL Daily Prayer - Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life
Surrendering to More
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Surrendering to More
4/26/2015 1:14:03 PM
The Daily Prayer 04.26.2015
"Surrendering to More"
Rev Martha Quintana, Senior Minister
“Sometimes I think 6 impossible things before breakfast!” – Red Queen in Alice in Wonderland
Nothing is impossible in the Mind of God. No matter the appearance of limitations in my own mind and of my own life, nothing is too big for God. Today, I call God in with all the gusto I can muster. I invoke and evoke the Power of the Universe knowing that whatever I see or whatever I think, there is always more. I surrender to that “Moreness” and know.
I am one with It. I am made of God and I call myself in with all the gusto I can muster. I am that which I’ve always sought. Whatever I imagine or dream or love is all there because I’m born of First Cause and I’m loved by it. I am here without limitation for all eternity no matter the appearance. As I know this for me, I know this for every person at the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living.
In this moment, I simply accept every person who attends the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living is cared for; all of his or her needs are met. Each person steps into his or her magnificence and together we create a spiritual community that shows us love and shows us the Face of God any time we look into each other’s eyes.
I accept that every member is so loved and cared for, that each arrives at the Center to love, care for, and support it with his or her time, treasure, and talent. Our magnificent Center thrives and as it thrives it sets a legacy that allows it to live well beyond our lifetimes. It supports and loves our children and their children and their children, etc. Even as those of us who are currently here return to our infinite dance with God, the legacy of the Rio Grande Center continues on in the minds and hearts of all who know of us and yearn for us even today.
I am so grateful for this knowing. I am so happy that I see God in every face and that all of the people I love and who love me, love others and support each other. I appreciate the far reach of God and know that all of my love is made more by the people I touch and who touch each other. Thank you, God.
I release my word knowing that I am complete and that this prayer is done. And So It Is. Amen.
Rev Martha Quintana is the Senior Minister at the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM 87107
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