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Our Hero Brian
1/31/2006 11:34:25 PM
By Norma Yamamoto What is it like for an 18-year-old high school senior to find out that he has two inoperable pineal brain tumors? Am I going to die? Why me? Why now? These were just some of the questions that ran through our son Brian's mind. For two months we didn't know what was happening to our son - he lost weight, wasn't eating and was not himself. He withered away right before our eyes from 140 pounds to 120 pounds in a month, for no apparent reason. After complaining of double vision, an MRI of the brain was taken and the tumors discovered. We were all shocked, but it answered our question as to why he had the anorectic symptoms. After the initial shock, Brian had a few days of ups and downs accepting and understanding what really happened as well as the treatment that lay ahead. Radiation treatments began right after Christmas and with a positive attitude, he surprised us all and sailed through them. Despite being a little tired, he continued going to school every day. His classmates and teachers were amazed. After the treatments ended he started practicing with the varsity basketball team. He was able to play a few minutes in a few games just before the season ended, and they were momentous occasions. Just seeing him on the court brought tears and cheers from everyone in the stands who knew what he had been through. Thanks to a very understanding coach (whose wife had breast cancer), he was able to stay on the team throughout the season. At the end-of-season banquet, he was presented the Coaches Award because of the inspiration he showed his teammates, whether at practice or supporting them at their games. Though times were tough, he never gave up. He gave 110 percent of his time and energy. Then chemotherapy started for five consecutive days, then on days nine and 16 again, for four months. Hair loss, fatigue, poor appetite and constipation were some of the "minor" complications he suffered. These he took in stride and tried to work around them. During this time an older family friend was diagnosed with lung cancer. Because of Brian's great outlook he was able to talk to our friend, sharing encouragement through rough times. He attended school for three out of four weeks a month during this time. Amazingly, he kept up with his studies with the help of understanding teachers, friends and the school psychologist. Though he missed some important senior events because of chemotherapy, he graduated with his class with distinguished honors! He was surprised when he was selected the Most Inspirational Male Athlete of the year. Summer vacation was a welcomed change for Brian as well as the whole family. It was a time for kicking back, having fun and feeling good. We spent a month in Hawaii relaxing and visiting friends and relatives. Now Brian is looking forward to a fresh start this fall at UCLA! Our family has been through a lot together, but Brian showed us that with perseverance, no matter how devastating the situation is, it can be conquered. His positive attitude and constant smile, day after day despite enduring painful, frightening situations, made us all very proud of him. I know he has grown a lot through this experience and is ready to face the world. Brian, we wish you happiness and success in everything you do. Remember: Mom, Dad and sister Amy will always be here for you. We love you! -------------------------------------------- Marilyn L. Ali
Marilyn L Martin
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Re: Our Hero Brian
1/31/2006 11:54:28 PM
Hello Marilyn, You post the most incredible things.And yes there are so many people who take so much for granted that sometimes thru the mouths and thoughts of our babes makes us stop and think,Now I try not to take anything for granted,God gave me another chance to do my life right this time.I will please God,Brave Brian,he is gods special angel.Kathy
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Re: Our Hero Brian
2/1/2006 1:34:13 AM
HI Kathy, Thanks so much for your great response. Thank God that He forgives us freely, and gives us a chance to change our life when we know we have not lived righteous. It is great that you recognized that at some point in your life and are now living for Him. I am glad you enjoyed the story, and yes, Brian is someone very special that we can all learn from! God Bless, Marilyn
Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
"Rick & Marilyn Martin...Married 11/17/06"
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Re: Our Hero Brian
2/1/2006 6:03:17 AM
Marylin, Thanks so much for this story. It will surely make a nice read for my subscribers. I will use it as a follow up to a story I want to share today. You will receive it in your inbox later in the day. Love You. Bola
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Re: Our Hero Brian
2/1/2006 10:40:07 AM
Hi Marilyn, There is nothing to say after reading that except, God Bless Brian and his family. Your Good Friend Deborah
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