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Calmness and Peace are Mine Right Now
4/10/2015 1:24:06 PM

The Daily Prayer 04.10.2015

Calmness and Peace are Mine Right Now

Ardy Reed, RScP
Ardy Skinner, RScP

Amidst anything that appears to be chaotic, or out of order, I know that God is Calmness, Peace, and the Tranquil Stillness deep in the well of Life.

God is in the center of my being, in the center of all my affairs, and in the center of my life right now in this very moment. There is no separation– for this Loving Presence resides deep in my soul and breathes into my life.

And just as I know this is true for me, I also know this is true for you.

In realizing this, I see and know as we venture through our day, every challenge is met with deep tranquility. Peace and calmness breaths into anything that appears to be chaotic or out of order. I can feel this deep pool of stillness deep in my heart, in my mind, and in my body. And as this stillness smooths over my day, I know that every situation I encounter senses this stillness– senses this calmness– and senses a deep appreciation for the peace that is shared through me, as me.

I am so grateful for this tranquil stillness in you and me. I am thankful that we have this calmness and peace throughout every moment in this glorious day. I am grateful for the gift we are sharing in every experience we have today!

I release my word knowing it is done and it is here in our experience right now for the law is the perfect partner to my word!

It is done.

And so it is!

Ardy Reed is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM 87107

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