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The Nature of Spirit
4/7/2015 1:52:39 PM

The Daily Prayer 04.07.2015

“The Nature of Spirit”

Joy Lynn Hertz, RScP
Joy Lynn Hertz, RScP

Spirit is One Presence, One Life, One Love, One Creator, One Sustainer, One Body, One Beauty, One Mind, One Heart, Oneness Personified.

I am inexorably one with Spirit. Every atom of my being is fashioned after Spirit’s Presence in visible form, indeed I am a microcosm of the Great I AM. As I know this for myself I know this for each of you as well.

I acknowledge the One great Presence whose Life is my life. Whose Nature is Love, the Love of all love. The One is the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe. The Presence that reveals itself in the grandeur of the cosmos, the beauty of the sunrise and sunsets, the One out of which we each connect. The One whose body is the very Universe itself. I declare this to be my Absolute Truth and unhesitatingly declare that the harmony and nature of Spirit’s Wholeness resides in through and expresses as me. I commit to stand, walk, live in, manifest Sprit’s love, beauty and grace and accept Spirit’s Bounty in every area of my life knowing Spirit’s Goodness and Loving Kindness are me. Spirit’s Presence and Power are woven into the whole of my being and I am blessed even in my moments of unawareness. Life flows lavishly through Spirit as me.

My heart is filled to overflowing with gratitude in the knowing that this is my Truth.

And so with deep abiding gratitude I release my Word into the Law knowing it cannot come back to me void.


Joy Lynn Hertz is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM 87107

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