BOOM: Newly Released Picture Proves Global Warming is a Farce [PICTURE]
Sometimes liberals have their hearts in the right place, as when Michelle Obama decided that she wanted to use her position as first lady to combat American childhood obesity, a cause that few, even on the right, would disdain.
Unfortunately, liberal attempts to make positive changes are hampered by a stubborn refusal to pay any attention to empirical evidence that fails to support their presuppositions. Thus, the farce known as global warming continues.
Many former global warming alarmists have long distanced themselves from true believers like Al Gore because there simply exists no evidence to support claims that the earth is warming at all, much less that the climate is being affected by humanity. Even the co-founder of Greenpeace, hardly a right wing activist, has argued that there is “no scientific proof” for man-made climate change.
The problem is that the climate is so complex, most Americans simply do not try to understand climate theory, instead accepting what they are told by an agenda-driven liberal media.