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Doing the right thing
1/31/2006 3:43:31 PM
Hi Everyone, Here's a good one! A couple came to the police department, wanting to dispose of some ammunition. They handed the desk officer a wooden box and said that it contained two shells an uncle had given them as souvenirs from World War II. "We didn't know what to do with them," the woman explained. "So all these years, we've kept the shells in the bottom drawer of the china cabinet, away from our children." The officer assured the couple he'd dispose of the ammunition safely. But when he took one out of the box the top came off, revealing a strange black substance. His suspicions aroused, the officer removed the top of the other shell and found a hard white substance. There was no doubt about it. They were souvenir salt and pepper shakers. Thanks Leanne Busby
Re: Doing the right thing
1/31/2006 3:57:23 PM
Hi Leanne that's a good one i even thought when he found the white stuff it was cocaine lol
Dave Cottrell

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Re: Doing the right thing
1/31/2006 5:30:42 PM
Hi Leanne, That's pretty funny! God bless, Dave
Re: Doing the right thing
1/31/2006 5:33:30 PM
Leanne, I have to admit that this was an extremely good one!!!!!!!
James Kinney The Cardioman Cardio Cocktail Joint Check My Home Page
Marsha Mckinney

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Re: Doing the right thing
2/1/2006 2:34:11 PM
Aaaahhhh, that's cute! Had no idea what the "punch line" was going to be! lol. Blessings to you and yours, everyday! Marsha Mckinney, FGG Dream Team-Texas
Greetings from your Texas friend! God's blessings to each of you, always,