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Spark of the Indwelling God
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Spark of the Indwelling God
3/24/2015 1:10:03 PM
The Daily Prayer 03.24.2015
“Spark of the Indwelling God”
Eva Gate’, RScP
There is only One Being that encompasses all that exists in form and in energy. It is the Creator, called God. It is the only Being that exists in all creation. Out of Its Self, It creates endless forms and manifestations from the smallest entity to the grandest forms in the Universe. Each creation has its own unique form. No two forms are exactly alike. Vast energy fields exist in the Universe. It is Love, Beauty, Unity, Wholeness, Oneness, Balance and Harmony. Out of Its own Substance all is created. It is the Divine Indwelling Being that is in all Creation.
I am one with the Oneness of God. Within me is the spark of the Divine Indwelling God that enlivens my being. I live God’s life through me in unity and wholeness. I am given the free will choice and am the creator of my experiences. Within me are the balance, harmony and centeredness with my inner God Self. As I state this for myself, I claim it for all humanity. Humanity has centeredness and wholeness within as their birthright. Each person has the indwelling God as their birthright.
In centeredness and wholeness, the inner voice of the One Being is heard by those who listen, a voice that guides with authority. The voice of the One Being that encompasses all humanity comes from deep within that speaks with truth to each person who is conscious of the feelings of others to whom one speaks as she stands in the truth. Truth is God’s expression in the gentle expression of truth.
I am grateful for knowing the truth of humanities’ voice as it is spoken. It is a voice of love and caring, kindness in the sharing of God’s love for all. I am grateful for truth and its expression.
I release my word into the Law for action knowing that it is now done! And so it is.
Eva Gate’ is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM 87107
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