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God is NOW: Prayer for Returning to Center
3/3/2015 3:03:58 PM

The Daily Prayer 03.03.2015

” God is NOW: Prayer for Returning to Center”

Nancy Bowers, RScP

Prayer for Faith Sublime - Nancy Bowers, RScP

In the NOW, God is. Spirit is the now, this present moment, this infinite eternal present moment is the One Life, and It is Perfect. It is Loving. It is Peaceful for It is the One. In this moment, Love. In this moment, Peace. In this moment, Joy, Acceptance, Ease, Freedom, Unfettered Freedom. Goodness. So much Goodness.

And I know that this moment, like every moment is mine. For I am the one life of God expressing. I am a microcosm of that one life, fulfilling the purpose God gave me. For He trusts me so completely, that He knows I am here to be a teacher of God. He loves me so unabashedly, that He surrounds me with support. Unending support. Unwavering support. Love surrounds me and in its arms, I return to remembrance. And I know that what is true of me, is also true of you. You are a teacher for God, a demonstrator of what love looks like. You are the one life expressing and in that expression, you return to your center, return to the place where God has your name on His altar. Spirit says your name and there it is dipped in holiness. There on the one sacred altar, God whispers truth in your ear.

And so I claim for you, peace. I claim for you joy. I claim for you ease in your work and your beingness and in your expression on this planet. Effortlessly, you stand in your power, where no one opposes you because that power is so apparent. Here in this place, you are forgiveness. You let go of ideas of how you think things ought be and just allow. Here in this place, the allowing is easy for there is no agenda but God’s who sees only innocence and guiltlessness, for God is never fooled by the ego’s attachments. Here in this place, working is easy, for you are centered in love, in goodness, in innocence and in tenderness. Nothing that is not of God can enter. Ego habits fall away easily and effortless. God’s rules, the law of Love, run the show.

And I claim for you ease in returning to this place. It is always only a breath away and so whenever you need to, you need only take a conscious breath to be returned to God’s light. In your breath, comfort reigns for God is in your breath and brings you home to Sacred Beingness.

And I give thanks for this. I give thanks knowing that you can never lose your way. I give thanks that the game is rigged, for God will never allow any of his children to remain lost. I give thanks that God’s home is here in your heart where love is now, love is everywhere, love is always available. I give thanks for the sacred teachings, for the tools that remind me of the Truth of who and what we are. I give thanks for I am so, so grateful.

Then I let go. And as I let go of this prayer, so do you for it is already done and already here, and it is so, so good and so, so NOW. God is NOW. And So It Is! Amen.

Nancy Bowers is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM 87107

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