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Giant Food Corporations are KILLING YOUR FAMILY!!!
2/27/2015 3:49:23 PM
 Greetings Friends, Due to Giant Mega Corporations CANCER is on the rise, why? Of course Corporate Greed is a Major Factor since adding Chemicals which is the last thing an ORGANIC BODY like ours need but it works for the Almighty Dollar!!! When I was growing up in the 1950s and 1960s the Content on the side of a Box or Can was 1 to 3 short lines all ORGANIC!!! Today those lines cover the whole side a box or can and when read one can hardly know what the heck they are because You need to be a Chemist to understand what the mean and when You do they should SCARE the Cra* out of You!!! I contacted Esophageal Cancer because of putting Chemicals into my God given ORGANIC BODY. Look what happens say in Your Garden when You spray Chemicals onto weeds; They Die! That's what Your doing when You just keep on eating What Ever without thinking about what Giant Corporations are doing to You and Your Family!!! Sincerely, Brady C. Harness ************************************************** Kindly, read this help us, so Linda can help others and then pass it on to Your Face Book Friends: Every Dollar that You can spare, Is Greatly Appreciated !!!
When in Doubt Look to the Heavens, God is always waiting for You. Just seek and You will find!

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