[Watch] Rep Steve King – Obama Is Importing
ISIS Terrorists Into U.S. In Syrian Refugee
Program, It’s Unavoidable
Read more at http://universalfreepress.com/watch-rep-steve-king-obama-importing-isis-terrorists-u-s-syrian-refugee-program-unavoidable/
American statesman Rep Steve King (R-IA) voices his serious concerns, leading off with the observation that Hussein Obama “Appears to have no fear of the consequences of doing stupid things.” He points out the absurdity of Obama somehow drawing a connection between the burning to death of a Sunni Muslim Jordanian military pilot by Sunni Muslim ISIS terrorists and the Christian Crusades, which were a response to the Islamic terrorism of the time. He’s raising the alert over the tens of thousands of Syrians which are being brought into the United States by the regime, noting that “You’re not going to get Syria fixed if you take the people out of there that need to be the ones doing the work to fix it. And there’s no way to avoid, through that, that network, of getting ISIS members and terrorists and future terrorists brought into America.” Read more at http://universalfreepress.com/watch-rep-steve-king-obama-importing-isis-terrorists-u-s-syrian-refugee-program-unavoidable/