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We Are One With Spirit
1/15/2015 3:34:06 PM

The Daily Prayer 01.15.2015

“We Are One With Spirit”

Linda Martin, RScP

Linda Martin, RScP

I recognize there is a Power in the Universe for good and I can use it for myself and others. The Power is continuous, creating at every moment. It is forever present in all, through all…is all. I call this Eternal Power…Life. I call it Spirit, God, and on and on…many names for the one Source. This Power is the creator of all things visible and invisible…what we know and what we don’t know. Ideas are ready to burst forth into form.

I identify myself with this Power, knowing I have come from this mystery called Life. As I know this to be true for me, I know this is true for all.

Knowing and affirming we are powerful co-creators beyond our wildest dreams. Daily, we become more aware of our relationship with Spirit. We are not a child of God…we are the children of God. We are One with Spirit. Everything that God is…we are. We create deliberately and build lives of unprecedented greatness. We plan, we take action, we demonstrate. Help comes to us in many ways… from individuals, and our intuition. We know and trust we are being lead to take action at the right time. Ideas are revealed in the most delightful ways. We hold a positive attitude throughout the day as Life unfolds just how it should be. We are always in our right places at all times. Our lives are filled with success and accomplishments. Our self-confidence soars as we give ourselves permission to be seen, and to be heard, knowing we are enough as we are individualizations of Spirit. How could we be any less that wonderful! We stand in new shoes…daily. Each day is a new beginning to create, to create, to create and create more. We stand tall, expressing our uniqueness with a great sense of soul-satisfaction. As we know this about ourselves, we recognize others’ successes and revel in their blessings.

I give thanks for this knowing…the truth that we are the children of the One! I release my word into the Law and my blessings come back to me more than I could ever imagine.

And so it is…

Linda Martin is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM 87107

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