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It Is an Inside Job
1/5/2015 2:26:00 PM

The Daily Prayer 01.05.2015

“It is an Inside Job”

Barbara Kraft, RScP

Barbara Kraft, RScP

With the New Year upon us I have been considering the things in my life that I label as not what I want them to be. As I examine them and hold them up against the teachings of Science of Mind I am reminded that “it is an inside job”.

I must look at my thoughts and with that it is easy to see why I feel the way I do about these subjects.

I turn to RIGHT thinking or in common language, thinking with the result in mind.

God is in everything. It is that source of life that has created all and is in, through, and around me. Even my thoughts that I am wanting to redirect are of God. Each cell in my body is directed by the energy of the universe, has the intelligence of the universe and is perfect.

I am the manifestation of this energy. Created in the image and likeness. There is nothing in me or in my thoughts that is outside the Source.

As a human I am able to utilize this power and energy.

I now declare the use of this in a manner that resolves the conflicts I am experiencing in my life. I use my thought each day to create the outcome of perfect health and job satisfaction.

I am strong, feel good, have plenty of energy to do whatever I desired so that at the end of the day I sleep peacefully and awake renewed and ready to go again.

I approach work with gratitude and a sense of service. I enjoy the activities and I continually learn new things that keeps me interested and engaged. I find purpose in all that I do and am grateful for the opportunity to serve the people we see.

I consciously chose my thoughts toward this end. I dispel any that might try to move me from the outcome I am living and enjoying.

I am grateful for this wonderful life and the ease at which I can move into joyful living. I am thankful for this teaching that has allowed me to change my life.

I know that each moment and each day from this point forward is exactly as I have set into motion, purposeful, joyful and filled with meaning.

And So It Is.

Barbara Kraft is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM 87107

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