1/3/2015 2:56:48 PM
The Daily Prayer 01.03.2014“Divine Oneness”Maria Dion, RScP
Over the holiday break, I enjoyed the book Mutant Message Down Under, where Marlo Morgan tells the possibly true story of a woman who goes on a “Walk-About” with the Australian Aborigines. The Aborigines are the Real People, and the Western mind is referred to as “Mutant.” In the following passage, an Elder states:“We have taught the Mutant much, and we have learned from her. It seems Mutants have something in their lives called gravy. They know truth, but it is buried under thickening and spices of convenience, materialism, insecurity and fear. They also have something in their lives called frosting. It seems to represent how they spend almost all the seconds of their existence in doing superficial, artificial, temporary, pleasant-tasting, nice-appearing projects and spend very few actual seconds of their lives developing their eternal happiness.” – Mutant Message Down Under, p. 177I love this statement, because it so clearly describes that which can interfere with a life well-lived, a life of harmony, joy, contribution and fulfillment! This year, let’s clear away the gravy and the frosting in our lives and embrace, know and LIVE the Eternal Truth which governs everything!
There is One Divine Whole, One Perfection, One All that exists. This Divine Oneness expresses Itself in every living and seemingly inanimate thing. It is the sky above us, the earth below us; it is the air we breathe in and the air we exhale. There is no separation! Everything springs from this Perfect Truth! It is Love. It is Harmony. It is Peace. It is Wisdom. It is Clarity. It is Abundance. It is Sufficiency. It is wrapped and enfolded in and around everything. Everything vibrates with the Energy of Divine Oneness!And as I am a part of All-That-Is, I too am created from the Divine Center which encircles, enfolds and surrounds me in it’s Love. I am the love, harmony, peace, wisdom, clarity, abundance and sufficiency of the Divine. And so is everyone else. Each person and each being was created of that same Divine Energy and IS that in all ways!I now speak my word: I release anything that has held me back or has kept me small — I scrape off the frosting and dump the gravy! I embody Love in every part of my life — as a parent, a partner, a friend, a co-worker, a sibling and a child. I embrace the beauty of my life and my being, and deepen my connection to the Divine Oneness. And I know this for each person in existence this glorious Year of 2015! I affirm joy, abundance, fulfillment and contribution for each of us, knowing that we are perfect creations of the Divine Oneness! What a blessing to be alive!And I celebrate this Truth! I give thanks for the Science of Mind, for the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living and our local and online communities. I am grateful to know that each person is blessed and is an immeasurable blessing in all of their affairs, and for the opportunity to share this treatment.I release this Word into the canyon of the Law, knowing that as it is spoken, it echoes and comes back many times over — fully manifested and enjoyed. And so it is!Maria Dion is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM 87107Share The Love by adding this post to your social networks.#God #divineoneness #CenterForSpiritualLiving #RioGrandeCenterForSpiritualLiving #RGCSL #scienceofmind #religiousscience