“If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.”
These words a book title, no less are very compelling to me today because of a simple meme I viewed on a social site, where a friend has posted something to her timeline, a meme portraying Aldous Huxley with a quote different from the one that provided the title to this post and thread.
The reason this stuck in my head because doors of perception seem to be opening almost daily for me. I believe they do for everyone that can find time realize them when they happen.
Yeah, I am getting older and maybe wiser but this realization hit me when I was researching the quote the meme had, before I shared the post or created a conversation about it, like I am now by the way.
Maybe this is why I seem notice these things happening and then a whole stream of thought occurs where the answer, solution, "talking point", direction to a situation is so very clear.
This clarity runs across several aspects of my daily and future activities. This became true of this political meme I viewed earlier from my friend Theresa, on FB provided by Collective Evolution.
Yeah, I know the Big Time Waster for many,... place. However my interest there first was for my business interests, (I hear the smirks, people) and then I got that activists bug for politics after researching the current President's first term run. He drew my attention when he gave the Democrat's reply to a State of the Union Address. Man he sure can talk can't he?
Plus, like you, I have family and friends that I now can just reach out and "poke" and have a conversation with.
You can get lost there real quick and I haven't even mentioned the Groups, Discussions, Notes/Blogs, yes, there you go they have blogs too. Maybe the very first if you check out their Notes section, these are actually searchable/reachable posts, very much like a blog post on any social community.
I know, see how this infinite doors thing came about? Now, where do I go from here? Do I try to Sell You Something like this banner would do?
Or we could continue to talk about this meme I read here
And it's topic. Are we at this point in time to be really, really, concerned?
I look forward to your comments,
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