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Richard Mathiason

1539 Posts
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Affirming the People of the Rio Grande Center on Its 5th Birthday
12/14/2014 3:31:44 PM

The Daily Prayer 12.14.2014

Affirming the People of the Rio Grande Center on Its 5th Birthday

Rev. Martha Quintana, Senior Minister

Rev Martha Quintana, Senior Minister

Knowing that the One Divine Life is Everywhere Present, I invoke It. I call It forward into consciousness and recognize that this One Divine Spirit is the very essence of Life. This Divine Spirit is what I call Creator. Creator speaks and the world is ordered. In speaking Its Word, It imbues itself into all of Its creation – Love, Abundance, Harmony, Grace, Health, Happiness, Divine Goodness.

Like Creator, I speak and my world is ordered. I imbue myself into all of my creation and into all of my thought, and when I speak wholly and totally aligned with Creator, I, too, am love, abundance, harmony, health, happiness, and divine goodness. I am wholly and perfectly aligned with the Creator and in this alignment, anything that does not support perfect principle falls away. As I know this for me, I know this for every single person who is in any way associated with the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living.

In this moment, I affirm and declare perfection and health for all who attend the Center, all who have ever attended, and all who are yet to come. Our perfect growth, harmony, and happiness are part of the message that Science of Mind saves lives; that we support and create a world that works for everyone – food for those who are hungry, love for those who are lonely, and peace and justice for those who yearn for it in their hearts. This Rio Grande Center is the beacon of light that shines brightly in the world and every single person who aligns themselves with us, align themselves with this light and know peace, love, harmony, health, and justice. It’s just like that.

I am so grateful for our Center; so grateful for the people. I am so happy that together we are creating a place so filled with love that all who enter are healed, whole, and happy. Knowing that all is well and that this is the case, I simply release my word and call it good.

And so it is. Amen.

Rev. Martha Quintana is Senior Minister at the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM 87107

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