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Richard Mathiason

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Prayer of Illumination
12/8/2014 3:42:07 PM

The Daily Prayer 12.08.2014

The Prayer of Illumination

Lovater H. Jones, RScP

Lovater H. Jones,RScPI am a center of expression for Spirit, the Infinite Presence and

Power of God which eternally created and sustains the Universe. All

the power that ever was or will be, is here now. In thought, in

word, in deed, I rest my life upon the foundations of Eternal

Spirit. I open myself to Its inexhaustible Presence. Through me,

the Wisdom of God takes form in thought and word. I am immersed

in the Perfect Love of Spirit. I am filled with the understanding of

Its perfect Law. I am guided moment by moment along the paths of

liberation. I obtain the perfect realization of my eternal splendor by

the limitless Light, the Perfect Love, and the Inexhaustible Power

of God. From the depths of Its limitless substance, I draw all

things needful, both spiritual and material. I see the beauty of the

divine expression in all things great and small. I accept Life in Its

totality. I take dominion and accept responsibility for all the

circumstances in my life. Living from that Light, that Love, that

Power, mine is the victorious life.

Ancient Hermetic Teaching

Author Unknown

Lovater H. Jones is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM 87107

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