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Grateful for the Love
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Grateful for the Love
12/1/2014 4:06:59 PM
The Daily Prayer 12.01.2014
“Grateful for the Love”
Nancy Bowers, RScP
“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to give by them.” – John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
“If you concentrate on finding whatever is good in every situation, you will discover that your life will suddenly be filled with gratitude, a feeling that nurtures the soul.” –Harold Kushner
On this day, I pause to remember the goodness of Life. There is but One Great Benefactor, the Blesser of Life, the Lover of Humanity. It is the Love. It is Unlimited Blessings. It is Generous and Supportive, Giving and Kind. It is the “Yes” of all life, the Preserver of Innocence.
And It is mine. It preserves my innocence, wraps me in Its loving embrace, whispers to me the Truth of who and what I am. The One Son, the Child of God, the beloved of Spirit. I am part of It, inseparable from It and being part of It, I am like It. Love is my name; peace is my function, generosity is what I do for I am it. It is me. Being part of It, I know that everything It is, I am. Everything It is, you are, too.
So I know that my soul finds good everywhere. It appreciates constantly. It sees the innocence in everyone and knows all of my brothers as an extension of myself. I live in love always. I overlook fear; I finds harmony wherever I go. Life is a blessing for I am in Heaven now. I awaken to my awareness of it and Joy becomes what I do. This is the truth of my life and it is also the truth of yours.
And I’m grateful for that. Grateful for community, supporting each other as we blossom into the people God intended us to be. Grateful of my family, grateful for my friends. Mostly, I am grateful to be able to take this time to steep in the sweetness of it all. Grateful to know the Truth of how very loved I am.
Then I release this prayer. Knowing it is already done and so it is. And so are we. Amen.
Nancy Bowers is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM 87107
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