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Richard Mathiason

1539 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Healing The Heart
11/13/2014 3:55:59 PM

The Daily Prayer 11.13.2014

Healing The Heart

Ginger Young, RScP

Ginger Young, RScP Love Heals Me

In this moment I bring my focus to remember that all around me, all within me, all as me is the single Power that I call God, Loving Source. God is Creation and Creator, it is Divine Intelligence, Infinite Wisdom, Whole, Forever Healed, Loving Grace, and Peace. It is the velvet night sky with the moon and stars shining Its light upon all. It is the embrace of a friend, the rose and the butterfly – all that I see, sense, think and feel is God.

God being All is therefore me. I am of It – One with It, as nothing else exists but God.

In this moment I declare and surrender all pain of the past to the transformative, transfigurative Power of God. For I know that All that I experience to be trusted as God’s mystery of awakening me further. I take full responsibility for every experience in my life, especially the painful ones – knowing that Divine Perfection has called my soul to awaken through each experience – both the painful experiences and the easy experiences. I acknowledge the great gifts that have come from the pain: Wisdom, Courage, Strength, greater Compassion, the ability to help others, and a release from illusion. I embrace even more fully each of these for myself, right now in this moment. And I remain open in trusting surrender to further awakening God always has for me.

I declare that my experiences are tempered so that I obtain the optimal God influence and understanding from my past and present experiences. And I so happily welcome the angelic realm of evolved Loving ones to support and guide me, to deliver me to Love – so I may know God more fully. And from all of this my heart is Healed. My heart remembers that it is eternal Good, eternally Whole, and I am at peace in this transformation and remembering Who I Am.

Knowing that what I focus on and what I intend cause creation to fulfill Itself in the form of my words and intent, I am happy as I release this Word into the All Knowing Creator of Love. I am at peace.

And So It Is. Amen.

Ginger Young is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM 87107

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