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issues with classified page code for affiliates
11/11/2014 8:53:57 PM
Hi, i didnt know where to put this.. tried the affiliate group but couldnt find a post button... probably cause im on mobile.

Anyways when I looked at my classified page I noticed a bunch of weird code where the top ad is supposed to be. I also noticed a big drop in views through the asland dashboard, when my site shows steady views to thw classifieds page.

Anyways, here is the weirded out code I got:

Server Error in '/ImprNet' Application.

Configuration Error

Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: Could not load type 'Adland.LinkPolonia.HttpHandlers.AdSearch.NewSearchHandler'.

Source Error:

Line 231:  <add verb="*" path="newadsearch/*/*/*.aspx" type="Adland.LinkPolonia.HttpHandlers.AdSearch.NewSearchHandler"/>  Line 232:  <add verb="*" path="newadsearch/*/*/*/*.aspx" type="Adland.LinkPolonia.HttpHandlers.AdSearch.NewSearchHandler"/>  Line 233:  <add verb="*" path="cars/*/*.aspx" type="Adland.LinkPolonia.HttpHandlers.AdSearch.NewSearchHandler"/>  Line 234:  <add verb="*" path="cars/*/*/*.aspx" type="Adland.LinkPolonia.HttpHandlers.AdSearch.NewSearchHandler"/>  Line 235:  <add verb="*" path="cars/*/*/*/*.aspx" type="Adland.LinkPolonia.HttpHandlers.AdSearch.NewSearchHandler"/>

Source File: E:\Web\Adlandpro.Net\Adland\MainApp\Config\AdlandPro\httpHandlers.config Line:233

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.5485; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.5483

Hope it helps!
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Roger Bjornerud

1658 Posts
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RE: issues with classified page code for affiliates
11/18/2014 11:34:55 AM
Do you still see this error Aaron?
Roger Bjornerud - Back from vacation - Planning the next :)

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