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The Fundamentals of Belief
11/8/2014 3:33:43 PM

The Daily Prayer 11.08.2014

The Fundamentals of Belief

Lovater Harris Jones, RScP

Lovater H. Jones,RScP

“……..consciousness ­ thought, something we know, feel, think ­ is basic to everything; we are surrounded by a divine and universal Intelligence which receives the impress of our thought and acts upon it creatively.

“Mind is the power that moulds and makes
And man is mind, and ever more he takes
The tool of thought and shaping what he wills,
Brings forth a thousand joys or a thousand ills.
He thinks in secret and it comes to pass,
Environment is but his looking glass.”
Ernest S. Holmes “Ideas of Power, Holmes Papers Volumn 3?

The basis for all manifestation is belief; reflecting back to the individual what he/she consciouslu or unconsciously believe. Belief, is indeed, our looking glass/mirror. “We need to be fully aware that we cannot fool the Law of Cause and Effect; that thought becomes manifested. We can fool each other, and unfortunately we fool ourselves most of the time, but the Law of Mind is a law of reflection, returning to us the exact content of our thought.” (Ernest Holmes). Therefore, to experience happiness, it is imperative that happiness is our overriding thought. To experience harmony, we must bathes ourselves in harmonious thoughts……. To know this with every fiber of our being, we must first believe that God/Spirit/Goodness is not far off. Instead, we must know/believe that the relationship between God and each of us is a direct one; being that the avenue through which the Mind of God/Spirit expresses through us is through our mind. To believe this if to ACCEPT it as Truth!

We are called to believe that each of us is a unique personification the the Spirit of God. There is a direct line of communication between each of us and the indwelling Spirit! This is the Truth of our being. We are Divine! We need not seek outside influences to tell us what to believe; the Source of all answers and questions lives within us! It truly is an inside job!

Therefore, it stands to reason that if we are Divine, and we are, as well as a true personification of Spirit, and have direct communication with Spirit/God/Goodness, then, that which we believe to be true, MUST be made manifest! It is for our evoutionary progress to delve deeply into these truths. By doing so, we revea, consciously, what is true about ourselves and all others.

AFFIRMATION: Realizing that if any thought is creative, I accept as Truth that ALL thought is creative. Therefore I believe that through right and affirming thoughts, I make perfect and constructive use of the Law of Mind. This Law is infinite, can do anything, knows no big or small and is readily available to me. It is as I have spoken! And so it is!

Lovater Harris Jones is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM 87107

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