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Return to Serenity
10/27/2014 2:00:37 PM

The Daily Prayer 10.27.2014

“Return to Serenity”

Nancy Bowers, RScP

Nancy Bowers, RScP -- God Is In Everyone

In this moment, where Serenity is, I embrace my awareness of the One Life, that One I call God or Spirit. I recognize that the One Life is Divine Wisdom. It is Infinite Intelligence and it is everywhere present. It whispers through the breeze, rustling the autumn leaves; It is the sweet air beneath each bird’s wing and is the warble of their songs. It is Melody, the melody of Love, the song of Grace and the harmony of Peace. It is the breath in my lungs, the blood through my body, the life force that animates who and what I am. It is who and what I really am and it renews my soul and melts my heart. It connects me to the remembrance of goodness, of joy, all abundance. It bathes me in grace. It embraces me.

And as I remember this truth about who and what I am, I remember that there is but one of us here and so what is true for me, is true for you. Together we are God’s One Son, His beloved child, His ultimate creation. We are all God’s melody, singing in harmony, swinging to the song of love and grace. I recognize that everything that is true of God is true of me and is true of you. We are all blessed and blessings, guiltless expressions of the One Life, here to support one another and remind each other of this loving truth.

So in that recognition, I come to a place where forgiveness is mine. In truth there is nothing I need to forgive, for the sinless ones need no forgiving, but on this earth plane, I sometimes forget that. I sometimes run into places in my being where anger or hurt still know how to make themselves at home. But in this place of Serenity, I remember that such emotions do not serve me. Spirit whispers to me to return to love and peace. Grace comes in and calls me home to Spirit. I welcome the wisdom that comes to me as inner guidance and allows me to let go of all that does not serve me. I know that forgiveness is but the time it takes me to embrace this letting go, but that I cannot help but do it for God will never forsake His Son. Eternity is the truth of Spirit and in eternity, Love is the pulse of Being.

So I am filled this gratitude to be returned to guiltlessness. I am appreciative of the reminder of innocence. I am in awe of how easily I am connect with peace the moment I listen to Spirit and accept the truth about each of us. We are all the one life of God, his innocent children, spiritual beings playing in this human existence.

And I let it go. Forgiveness is mine for I was never lost. I was always safe in God’s embrace where I can never lose my way. And So It Is. And so I am. And so are we. Amen.

Rev Martha Quintana is Senior Minister at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM 87107

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