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RGCSL Daily Prayer - Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life
You Always Have Choices
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You Always Have Choices
10/23/2014 1:41:06 PM
The Daily Prayer 10.23.2014
“You Always Have Choices”
Kathy Azar, RScP
Have you ever been faced with a situation where you felt like you didn’t have a choice? Perhaps you felt stuck or helpless. I would like to remind you that we always, always, always have choices. We may not like any of the choices that we come up with, but we still have choices. Doing nothing is even a choice. So my treatment today is about allowing Spirit to help direct our choices.
I absolutely know that there is one Truth, one sacred Power, one magnificent Spirit and I choose to call that power, God. I know that God is in, around and through all things, all people and all situations. God is in the questions and God is in the answers.
And I know that I am one with that Source. I am a magnificent manifestation of God in form walking this earth. My thoughts are God’s thoughts. My words are God’s words. And as I know this to be true for me, I absolutely know this to be true for each and every one of you. You are all magnificent manifestations of God in form walking this earth.
And I now claim that God’s divine intelligence is a part of every decision that we make. As we sit in the quiet, we are able to connect with our Source and listen to that still small voice within. When we know and accept that our lives are divinely guided, then we can relax and surrender to God’s wisdom. We can stop in the middle of any situation and review our choices. We can ask for God’s guidance and support at any time. And the most exciting part is…………..if our decision does not end up supporting our highest good…..we can change our minds and make a different choice! It’s all good and it’s all God!!
I am so very grateful for this knowing. I am grateful for the teachings of Science of Mind that allow me to know that I truly have the ability to co-create my life. I am grateful for the God within that is always with me.
So with a deeply grateful heart, I release these words and this treatment out into the Universal Law fully knowing that it is already manifest.
And so it is!
Kathy Azar is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM 87107
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