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RGCSL Daily Prayer - Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life
Everything is Energy, Everything is Consciousness
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Everything is Energy, Everything is Consciousness
10/2/2014 1:20:41 PM
The Daily Prayer 10.02.2014
“Everything is Energy, Everything is Consciousness”
Glenn Buckland, RScP
I recognize that the Universe is a meticulously crafted Energy Center designed to provide the Life Experience for all It’s inhabitants. Our Universe contains everything we need to give and receive Love, self-actualize, experience Joy, Peace, Harmony or, if we choose it, discord. The nature of our Universe is the nature the Intelligence that created it which is benevolent. I call this Intelligence, God. God is so much more than what is in our Universe, within God is the very context of who we are, why we are here and how life shows up for each of us. God is human expression and every human experience is an experience in the One story being told.
As I self discover the wonders of my own human-ness I recognize that everything that occurs in my experience is a function of my own consciousness. It is my own thinking, feelings and emotions that determine how the Universe shows up for me. The Universe only says “YES!” to whatever I’m thinking. If I reside in a frequency of dis-ease, poverty or loneliness then that is what I choose to believe about myself and the Universe says “YES!”. When I reside in the frequency of health, prosperity, goodness and Love the Universe says “YES!”. When the Universe says “YES!”, that is what shows up in my experience.
Knowing that the energy of the universe is guided by my own consciousness, I affirm my goodness right now. I know that I am here by divine appointment, on purpose to Love and be Loved, Give and receive kindness, experience my own creativity and to move past any old definitions of who I thought I was. I AM! I reside in this Universe yet the Universe responds to my command of it. My word spoken into the Law makes itself known as my Truth. My Consciousness working with the Energy of Life creates my experience. It is all me all the time. There is NOTHING outside of me that is responsible for my happiness, poise and well-being.
For this I am so very grateful. My gratitude expands beyond Joy as I feel the support of this infinite Universe. Thank you life for my own process of self-discovery and the power to create any experience I desire. Thank you Life for this space of knowing and being. What a beautiful Universe, what a beautiful experience.
Having claimed and affirmed my goodness, my reality and my purpose I release my word into the Law knowing it is done.
And so it is.
Glenn Buckland is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM 87107
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