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A World That Works for Everyone
9/23/2014 2:04:36 PM

The Daily Prayer 09.23.2014

“A World That Works for Everyone”

Kathy Azar, RScP

Kathy Azar, RScP A World That Works For Everyone

Recently our International Spiritual Leader, Rev. Dr. Kenn Gordon, spent some time with us at our spiritual center. He spoke about the vision of “A World That Works for Everyone”. Ideally this needs to be the vision of everyone across the globe. And how do we reach this goal? Love, compassion and mutual respect are the first actions that come to my mind. Sounds easy, doesn’t it?! Unfortunately that isn’t always the case. So my prayer treatment today is for manifesting A World That Works for Everyone. I invite each of you to hold this prayer in your heart and together we can make a difference.

I absolutely know that there is one Divine Spirit, one Presence, one Magnificent Power and I choose to call that source God. I know that we are always and in all ways immersed in God’s loving energy. God is in, through and around all things, all people and all situations. God is in the tiniest grain of sand and the highest mountain. God is in all leaders of this world as well as in all of the children of the world.

And I know that I am one with that Divine Source. I am a magnificent manifestation of God’s love, joy and light walking this earth in form. And as I know this to be true for me, I absolutely know it to be true for each and every one of you. You are all magnificent manifestations of God’s love, joy, truth and light walking this earth in form.

And I now claim that as each of us holds the vision of A World That Works for Everyone, it is brought into manifestation. As I spread my love to each of you, you in turn spread your love to all those around you. As I show compassion for each of you, you in turn show compassion for all of those around you. And as I extend and embrace mutual respect to each of you, you in turn extend and embrace mutual respect to all within whom you come in contact. As this circle of love, compassion and respect expands it eventually spreads throughout the world. When we are all united by love, compassion and mutual respect, we will have created A World That Works for Everyone!

I am so very grateful for this knowing. I am grateful for the inexhaustible supply of love, compassion and mutual respect that we are immersed in daily. I am grateful for the ability to chose love every minute of every day.

With a deeply grateful heart, I release these words and this treatment out into the Universal Law. I absolutely know that it is already manifest. And so it is!

Kathy Azar is a Practioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM 87107

***If you have a prayer request please Click Here ***

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