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A Woodstock Jihad has been enacted by the left
9/9/2014 6:42:19 PM

ISIS Is An Election Year Ploy To Scare Voters And Elect Republicans

A Woodstock Jihad has been enacted by the left because, like most good communists, they hate this country and it's one of kind constitution built on free capitalism. They are implementing a Cloward-Piven type strategy to "transform" this country to a less innovative and more politically elite controlled economy, like most of Europe and Asia. It's pretty evident that our current leader is trying to destroy this country and disrupt the current world. Put aside your political beliefs and look at at the changes in our world today compared to just 6 years ago. Even our own economy has been transforming, any perceived growth is a mirage on top of a lie that is Fed QE and govt manipulation. Typical Keynesian economic theories that have never shown any tangible results for its people's standard of living...but it has done wonders for our govt budgets and balance sheet. Just look at the $7T added to our debt by our govt in the last 5.5 years, nearly double the annual borrowing rate of our previous 8 year administration.

Since the days of FDR to today, the left has been hiding key facts or just plain lying to the American people to advance their socialist/communist agenda. FDR established the ponzi scheme known as SS, something handled fine by states and private charities. However, it was the first step to gaining control over us. The Fed was created and soon after the govt engineered a crisis (Great Depression) that hit the banking industry and eventually our economy, which was prolonged by more govt meddling. In 2008, more govt meddling created the Great Recession and forced yet another Federal govt power grab. The govt decimated the housing and banking industries, only to bail those banks out and screw Main street yet again. In fact, the more socialist and so called "progressive" our country becomes, the more it fails it's people by eating away at our GDP and producing a more volatile and less responsive economy. Socialism fails because people can be corrupted and will always serve THEIR best interests, so when a govt fails it is hard to blame anyone person. The only REAL failure in capitalism is a result of your own persistence. You create your own destiny and don't stop till it's achieved, but in socialist systems and don't get the right to fail, but 9 out of 10 times your govt WILL fail you.

So what causes these masses to blindly follow our lying big brother govt? Historical ignorance is the cause. Failure to see that socialism and govts, particularly the big and strong central forms of govt like Communism are failures. These communist regimes are responsible for hundreds of MILLIONS deaths, at the hands of Zedong, Stalin, Lenin, Pol Pot, Minh, Sung, and the fascist Hitler. Millions more killed by other Authoritarian and Military govts, both past and present. Commie loving lefties love to routinely crucify big oil and big business, yet how many people have Exxon or Walmart killed? I can choose to shop at Walmart, but now a days it gets harder and harder for me to really choose my govt or what it decides is illegal. Milton Friedman once said "Political freedom means the absence of coercion of a man by his fellow men. The fundamental threat to freedom is power to coerce, be it in the hands of a monarch, a dictator, an oligarchy, or a momentary majority." The momentary majority are your lazy moochers. The political elite from across the world understand that a great portion of people are nothing more than sheep that value security over freedom and are willing to sell the rest out for it.

Americans rely on MSM and Hollywood for their politically left slanted news. These outlets love to tell us the rich do not pay their fair share, yet most of the 1% live in highly Democratic counties like SF,NY,MD,MA. How many millionaires and six figure incomes are there in Federal and even State govts, Hollywood, Sports? When looking at the world stage, NY, SF, & LA are very Democratic and they are 3,4,5 in the amount of billionaires. So while the govt and its subsidiary agencies in DC have been adding and growing well paying jobs, as well as taking over another key piece of our economy, the rest of America is losing jobs and welfare assistance rolls have tripled. They cry for progressive tax, yet the top 50% pay 97% of FIT! We have very low growth in GDP and the lowest participation rate ever. To see the endgame of their agenda, look no further than the near bankrupt cities of Detroit, Chicago, & Philadelphia. You have areas that have been heavily Democratic for decades, yet what has this done to their local economy and more importantly the people. In Detroit, the unions laid waste to Auto industry and took an entire city with it. These companies were forced to pay off unions and political campaigns, rather than spending money on innovation and improving their products. Friedman also said "The greatest achievements of civilization have not come from government bureaus. Einstein didn't construct his theory under order from a bureaucrat. Henry Ford didn't revolutionize the automobile industry that way. In the only cases in which the masses have escaped from the kind of grinding poverty that you are talking about, the only cases in recorded history are where they have had capitalism and largely free trade. If you want to know where the masses are worst off, it's exactly in the kind of societies that depart from that. So that the record of history is absolutely crystal clear, there is no alternative way, so far discovered, of improving the lot of the ordinary people that can hold a candle to the productive activities that are unleashed by a free enterprise system."

The left love to tell us that global warming is a problem and use graphical tricks to present their lies. For example, the left will use the MSM to push the 97% of scientists believe in global warming, but the REAL truth is that the 97% is 75 of 77 climate scientists that have published more than 20 climate papers. What they don't tell you is that there are 9K PHD scientists who are AGAINST AGW (goto petitionproject dot org). Gore has made hundreds of millions and gets 300k per speech to show a chart of only 100 years. Yet when speaking on the relation of CO2 to temps he forgets to mention how ice core data from multiple sources and fossil plants actually go MUCH further back and they show that Temp drives CO2 with a 800 year lag. He also forgets to mention that C02 makes up only .03% of the air we breathe and that a mere 5% of that comes from man. They also neglect to mention that the large spike up in temps actually occurred 10,000 years ago. They love to panic people because our CO2 levels have doubled from 200-400, but they forget to mention that for most of our history this is extremely low. When modern life evolved over 500 million years ago, CO2 was more than 10 times higher than today, yet life flourished at this time. Then an ice age occurred 450 million years ago when CO2 was 10 times higher than today. The fact that we had both higher temperatures and an ice age at a time when CO2 emissions were 10 times higher than they are today fundamentally contradicts the certainty that human-caused CO2 emissions are the main cause of global warming. I guess that's why they switched their platform from global cooling, to global warming, and now to climate change. But since temps have cooled in the last 20 years I guess it's back to global cooling or what ever is "convenient" for Gore and his Dumbocratic platform. Like most arguments from the left, they lack historical facts or any common sense. Go ahead and google "5 million year temp chart" and draw your own conclusions.

Our govt has screwed up SS, Medicare, Medicaid, Post Office, Welfare, & our borders. They've spent the last 100 years ruining our education, brain washing our children and trapping good folk of all colors into their web of welfare and "assistance" traps by making sure they don't have jobs. What did Odumba do when he came into office, did he concentrate on jobs or the economy? No he lied over and over and did an overnight pass thru of yet another Dumbocratic lie, Healthcare ("you can keep your insurance, doctor, and save $2500 on premiums"). Most polls showed that 70% of America didn't want the bill, but like illegal immigration (majority are against), this Bozo will ram it down our throats. Is that the left's idea of representation...guess it's better than Mao's "Great Leap Forward"! My gosh, just look at the long list of lies by Odumba alone. They include but are not limited to the Fast & Furious, IRS, NSA, CIA, BLM, VA, ST6, Haliburton, Solyndra/A123, Libya, Egypt, Benghazi, Muslim Brother Support, Bergdahl, Holder's contempt of court, Abdel Baset al-Megrahi release and many more. If a Republican had performed even a quarter of these actions, impeachment would have been a forgone conclusion. My gosh both Nixon and Clinton were impeached for far, far less. Most of these lies were "built by govt", since we working folk don't build anything.

Our "govt" has repeatedly lied, spied, experimented and even killed American citizens. They've started both the Great Depression and Recession and laid shambles to many jobs and nearly every industry with mounds of regulations. All created by a 250K workforce (used loosely), employed at the Alphabet Agencies of DC, but controlled by the political elite, who only serve to protect and increase their budgets and govt jobs. While DC has been gaining mostly six figure jobs the last 5-6 years..the Fed has been devaluing our dollars, savings and assets through printing and regular Americans having been dropping from the workforce at a record pace. How many TRILLIONS has the govt wasted or thrown away over the years? Then these moron libs and moderates hand over 1/6th of our economy (Healthcare) to an already overbearing Federal govt and expect a different result? This INSANE agenda otherwise know as the Dumbocratic platform, along with Immigration, is by design. Because what sane human being, who has TRULY witnessed history or has any common sense would buy the lies and hypocrisies that exist on their ironic platform. The same platform that is supposedly on the side of blacks, yet history shows they opposed civil rights. IN FACT, the Republican party was created in DIRECT opposition to slavery and had been fighting for their cause since 1854. Go ahead and Google the party platform documents and research the history of both parties for yourself. Who would really approve of the record number of dead, illegal, & others stealing and mooching OUR hard earned tax dollars all so a political elite can increase their voting rolls and advanced a suicidal socialist agenda? You have 150M non veterans collecting Fed benefits and only 86M FT non govt workers. For math challenged liberals, that is 1 worker supporting 1.7 moochers. It's SUICIDE!

By: Socialism Stinks

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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