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Thank you Grace, Thank you Faith, Thank you Light
9/2/2014 1:48:33 PM

The Daily Prayer 09.02.2014

“Thank you Grace, Thank you Faith, Thank you Light”

Glenn Buckland, RScP

Glenn Buckland, RScP - Thank you Grace, Thank you Faith, Thank you Light

I recognize, embody, express, cultivate, manifest, experience and radiate from within my Being my unique Divinity that I call God. With my word and my consciousness I create this atmosphere of LOVE and well Being. I Am here on this planet to Love and be Loved and that is all.

Divine Givingness and eternal support for the unfolding of Consciousness is present now. The Energy of Life expresses Itself as Wholeness, Health, Prosperity and Balance. The Infinite and Eternal Source supports It’s own individualized expression through these aspects of human experience always healing toward the Light.

I Am Being Human and this is what is happening in my experience right now. There is One Life unfolding, One Story being told and each of us our own chapter, each of us bringing our unique essence and character to this Divine tale. Knowing it is true for me, I know and declare it to be true for any every person.

Today I show up in Wholeness, Health, Prosperity and Balance. Everything is in sync to support my Love and my Expression. I reside in Well-Being because I know that nothing is “wrong”. There are no mistakes only the gentle ebb and flow of the One Life Story being told. I experience Wholeness, Health, Prosperity and Balance in my life now. Each quality supports the other weaving together a Divine fabric for the backdrop of my perfect Life.

I reside in grateful awe for the Givingness of Life. I am here by choice and Divinely supported on my journey. Thank you Grace, thank you Faith, thank you Light.

Knowing my thought is my word and my word commands the Law, I release this Truth knowing it is already done. And so it is.

Glenn Buckland is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM 87107

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