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Surrendering to Possibility
8/27/2014 2:15:04 PM

The Daily Prayer 8.27.2014

Surrendering to Possibility

Nancy Bowers, RScP

Nancy Bowers, RScP

God is trust-worthy. God is total support and can be and is a soothing place of rest. It is Love, It is Caring. He is Love. He is Caring. She is Love. She is Caring. Spirit is the One Great Comforter. The place to snuggle into and feel assured, for It is Perfect Assurance. There is nothing to fear, for nothing real can be threatened. God is Love and nothing can steal that Love from me.

So, I align myself with this knowingness of the qualities of God, recognizing that I am made in His likeness and image and that His qualities are mine. Therefore, I allow that recognition to pull me into the knowingness that I am peace, I am love, I am perfect support and perfectly supported. I cannot be threatened for the likeness and image of God is my likeness. I am as He is who created me. I am soothed by resting in the arms of the Beloved.

So I am surrendering to possibility. I cannot see how things can work out, but I know that the One Life knows no order of difficulty. I surrender knowing that my job is not to seek for love but to find and remove any barriers I have built against it coming. I cannot experience my goodness if I am hunkered down in fear, so I allow fear to wash away knowing it is not the truth of who and what I am, knowing that fear is a barrier I have erected. It interferes with my ability to know God. It interferes to my ability to receive the gifts my Father is waiting for me to claim.

I claim them now. I allow myself to live in the mystery. I allow myself to be surprised. I allow myself to experience the miracles that are my birthright, for miracles are born of Love and that is who and what I am.

I give thanks for that knowingness. I give thanks for surrender. I give thanks for my ability to shift into the mystery and allow it to delight me. I give thanks knowing I can trust God to provide, to surprise, to sweep me out of darkness forever. I give thanks. I give thanks.

Then I surrender completely. I let it go. I say goodbye to the worry. I say goodbye to the fear. I cannot see but I can ensure goodness in mine, for my prayer was answered before it was spoken. I had only to allow the possibility of it all in. And I did and I do and so it is. Amen

Nancy Bowers is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM 87107

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