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Vi Shahan

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Wave Motion
1/26/2006 10:41:01 PM
Hado Walking through a Japanese garden, one truly feels the life force energy that is known as Hado. Hado isn't just present in Japan, but it is a concept that has existed in Japan for centuries. The two Japanese characters that make up the word Hado mean "wave" and "move" - perfect words to describe the energy vibrations that permeate all life. Hado is present in all things, animate and inanimate. It resides everywhere, even in the air and in people. The study of hado tells us that the energetic vibrations from our thoughts affect on our physical realities. Each of us has the ability to manifest a specific intention through the hado that we send out -from making our jewelry shine to changing the atmosphere of a room full of people to transforming the hado of an empty space. However, we are often unaware that our thoughts are creating vibrations in the world outside our minds. Once we know that this is the case, we can become more aware of our negative thinking and train ourselves to stay positive and think with intention. Giving thanks for a meal before we eat can change the energy of our food. Expressing gratitude by thoughts or words makes a huge difference to both the giver and recipient because you are sending them hado. A kind smile really makes a difference when you work consciously with hado. Once we become aware of the power of hado, we can create positive changes in every area of our lives: our physical space, mental and emotional health, relationships, and businesses. One of the most important principles of hado is to monitor your thoughts and intentions every day. Enjoy the improvements that you will create in your life and the world around you by consciously working with hado.
"Change Your Mind." "Change Your Life." Vi Shahan Website:
Cheryl Baxter

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Re: Wave Motion
1/26/2006 10:56:16 PM
Hello Vi, Thanks for the great post. Interesting & I know that the idea that our thoughts effect everything around us is so true. It makes sense that thoughts are energy vibrations, just as everything in our bodies works off of electrical impulses, i.e. our brain waves, cardiac rythem, etc. I work in an area of medicine that sees this in action every day. Just look at the impact of positive thoughts expressed toward others, versus negative thoughts and comments. The thoughts we have are very powerful, & will take us into our future of whatever we think about. Take care, & God bless, Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
Vi Shahan

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Re: Wave Motion
1/26/2006 11:24:24 PM
WE are all little electrical beams on this earth and can change the world around us if we only try. A smile does alot. I smile at people all the time and surprisingly people speak or nod their heads. Just think if only 10% of the people would do this perhaps we would not have so much anger in the world today.
"Change Your Mind." "Change Your Life." Vi Shahan Website:
Craftie Linda

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Re: Wave Motion
1/27/2006 7:30:03 AM
Vi Thanks for the invite For the story Linda
Vi Shahan

201 Posts
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Re: Wave Motion
1/28/2006 10:09:02 PM
You are welcome. Come back and visit often.
"Change Your Mind." "Change Your Life." Vi Shahan Website:

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