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Paula Frye

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What is With the "Don't Want to Work" Mindset?
8/2/2014 11:31:11 PM
What is With the "Don't Want to Work" Mindset?


Are you wanting to make a living online or are you just wanting to "say" you want to? The reason I'm asking is because I have been really troubled lately by statements people are making these days. I understand that working online may be different than punching a time clock, but working online is "still" work. I'm not really sure why anyone would think it isn't.

The last thing I want to do is rain on anyone's parade. However, I don't see any reason to lie to anyone, either. I mean, what good would it do myself (or you) if I ran around yelling that you could sign up to things, sit back, and collect a full-time income? Do you really think that would help? I'm going to lay it on the line in this post, and not because I want to hurt anyone or spoil their dreams. I just want to make sure that you don't have the "wrong" idea about working online. I want you to be able to make a full-time income online ... not just dream about doing it.

I don't mean to ramble, but sometimes I can't help myself. Back in my day ... (just kidding). I'm not going to tell you I walked uphill both ways ... I'm not going to tell you I worked 20 hours a day ... But I "will" tell you that I worked hard to make money online. It didn't just fall into my lap. In fact, I "still" have to work (seriously). Working is the biggest part of "working" online. It always will be.

I think it's fair to say that just about everyone has been a member of something or other where some of their signups dropped out after awhile. That is normal. There will always be people coming and going in any business -- it doesn't matter how good the business is. That's just how it works. There will always be those who stay and those who don't. However, what bothers me is the mindset some of these drop-outs have. I've asked people before why they left this or that company. Some of the answers amazed me.

Answer #1 -- "I know I won't be able to bring people in." -- That kind of reasoning means the person isn't giving the business a chance. No one who is willing to work hard and try their best would say something like that. Sure, I'll be the first to admit that there are some opportunities that are impossible to bring people into. Those are the exception, however. A good opportunity with nice splash pages and payplan explanation are never that difficult to bring people into. Sure, you still have to advertise. You still have to do your part. But if the opportunity has an automated system in place (follow-up, lead capture, etc.) it's not hard to bring people in. There's basically no "selling" involved -- just advertising. Advertising is the easy part.

Answer #2 -- "It takes work." -- This is even worse than the first answer. Anyone who would say something like this just isn't willing to work at anything. There are people out there who want everything handed to them ... including their income. They will never make a living online. It just won't happen. There will always be work involved.

Answer #3 -- "My sponsor didn't ... this ... or didn't ... that." -- Anyone who would say that just needs someone to blame their failures on. When someone joins a business online it's pretty much up to them to get signups. No matter "who" your sponsor is, I seriously doubt they are going to be getting you signups. That is something we all do on our own. It's just part of working online. If you aren't willing to take the blame for failure, you shouldn't be ready to join any business online.

If you like the idea of working your own hours and making a living online, I highly recommend doing all you can to succeed. Learn where all you can advertise -- but do more than that -- join ad sites and actually send to them over and over again. Get your name known. That can really help you in the long run. Some ad sites let you advertise daily. Some allow you to advertise weekly. Make sure to use the advertising you have. Practice by selling things as an affiliate. There are plenty of places that will let you sell their products for free. Learn while doing that. That's pretty much what I did.

Here is an awesome business that is easy to advertise. It's nicely automated with follow-up, lead capture, etc. The company gives us plenty of nice pages to promote. It does everything for you. All you do is share your link.

I have been extremely pleased with this. It pays me weekly and monthly. There is no reason you can't build weekly and monthly paychecks there, too:

If you join, I'll be sending you some sample ads that work well for me. You can definitely build a full-time income here.

Whatever you decide to do online, make sure you do it to the best of your ability. You'll be amazed by how fun working online can be.

Take care,

My main website -- Free Advertising and Easy businesses

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Rudy Hiebert(rudyhiebert.myamsoil.c

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RE: What is With the "Don't Want to Work" Mindset?
8/2/2014 11:45:31 PM
You have some valid points which I have come across in one form or another. It's one of those scenarios that people like ourselves do not understand why it is so difficult to understand. On the one hand in general "successful" and filthy rich people do not show their money making secrets. That fact alone makes skeptics tighten their grip on their wallet and credit card. You've heard of the adage that if work was the secret then the third world mother who walks three miles for water to the nearest well and sticks for the fire for her family would be rich. In other words, it's not work alone, there must be more to this. I contend that if much of the daily effort must be spent for basic survival, creativity will not like happen easily or at all.
Paula Frye

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RE: What is With the "Don't Want to Work" Mindset?
8/3/2014 2:46:40 AM

I understand people can be skeptical, but anyone who wants to can learn to advertise. There is no secret to it. Sure, some people may have done more research and learned ways to make their advertising easier. But, all in all, it takes work to make money. I have never found an opportunity yet that didn't take work. The best thing anyone can do (in my opinion) is just to focus on learning how to advertise. That would include SEO since search engines do bring visitors.


My Adland Pro advertising forum. Feel free to share your businesses here anytime! * * My Main website:
RE: What is With the "Don't Want to Work" Mindset?
8/17/2014 8:39:42 PM
Here's how you can capture leads and make $80+ per day without a website
I have tested this system and it's prouved:

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