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Moh' Beerd

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Survival Priorities
7/24/2014 3:04:17 AM
Most people believe that water or food are the first things to consider when they find themselves in a survival situation. This is incorrect thinking! Yes, water is absolutely important, however, most survival situations will be a result of some sort of accident, sometimes resulting in medical emergency. I will list these priorities in the order they should be considered, then I will explain each one below.

Survival Priorities:

1. Self Aid
2. Shelter
3. Water
4. Fire
5. Signaling
6. Food
7. Navigation

1. Self Aid
This should be apparent. You should always look yourself over for injuries, small cuts or abrasions, broken bones (if not immediately known), confusion, dizziness, and shock. You MUST maintain a clear and focused mindset if you find yourself in this situation, especially if you have injuries. You can treat most, if not all common injuries, by yourself, with the aid of natural materials. You can even treat for shock (to some degree), on your own. Learn the basics of "first aid" and practice, practice, practice! Let these skills become second nature to you.

2. Shelter
Now that you have treated any injuries, if any, your next priority is shelter. Get yourself out of the elements as soon as possible.
What you should look for in a shelter: Dry (relatively), cover from elements, "one way in", large enough to cover your entire body but small enough to conserve heat, are there resources readily available to battle conduction and convection?.. etc.
99% of the time, you won't be able to find a natural shelter that can provide most, if not all of these criteria. You must learn how to construct a small shelter utilizing the materials and resources available to you at that moment. Lean-to's are the simplest to construct and are my personal "go-to" method for shelter. You'll want your shelter constructed ABOVE any water source as well as out of the path of water ways or run-off.

3. Water
This is obviously a very important priority! When constructing your shelter, you'll want to be as close to a water source as possible. Streams, lakes, ponds, springs, etc... This particular topic can be discussed for hours! So I'll leave this here for now...

4. Fire
Learn how to build a fire by rubbing sticks together! You won't always have your Bic lighter! Matches are notoriously unreliable and are a consumable resource. The knowledge of how to make fire will be with you forever. This too, can be discussed in later forums.

5. Signaling
Knowing how to signal for help (when trying to be found, that is...), can mean the difference between days, weeks or months of surviving in the wilderness alone. A simple "V", drawn on the ground with natural materials such as deadwood, fallen trees, dirt (contrasting colors), etc., can save a life in a matter of hours, depending on your location. The letter "V" simply means "require assistance" and all aircraft pilots know these codes and what they should do when they spot one on the ground. I will discuss these codes in further detail in a separate forum.

6. Food
If you cannot identify an edible plant from an inedible or poisonous plant, you're likely in serious trouble if you didn't pack a 20 lb bag of trail mix! There are thousands of plant species, even in your own back yard, that are edible and high in vitamins and minerals that your body craves! Did you know, that the inner bark of a willow tree, when made into a tea or even chewed raw, can alleviate headache pain? The common dandelion weed is actually good for you and can be made into a tea and/or eaten raw! Roots and all! Wild edibles is a very broad topic and recommend that you purchase a book for your locale on wild edibles in your area. Another consideration on food, is animal meats and fats. They are good! Trapping and hunting skills, at least the basics, should be learned and practiced often!

7. Navigation
This topic, in and of itself, can fill an entire book! Knowing the basics, however, of navigation is absolutely vital to the success or failure of your situation. Just knowing that the sun rises in the east will help you navigate the terrain. You can use a stick, your watch, and a number of other methods, to find general direction. Learn these skills and practice them often! I will discuss navigation in a separate forum.

Thank you so much for joining me and reading. There isn't enough that can be said about learning basic survival skills and knowledge. If you enjoyed what you've read, please consider sharing this with your friends via social media links or email. I appreciate your taking the time to learn and share with me.

See you on the trail
Moh' BeerD← Go "Like Me" On Facebook!

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Diane Bjorling

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RE: Survival Priorities
7/24/2014 3:31:30 AM
I have heard that lean-to`s are the best way to create a shelter,but I never considered the reasons be honest I thought it was only because it would be easier to do...I just learned something new...thanks :-)
B J Williams

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RE: Survival Priorities
7/24/2014 2:02:45 PM
Great information already, Moh'. I especially found the "V" signal something that people should know when getting lost is a possibility.
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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Survival Priorities
7/24/2014 10:43:00 PM
Thanks Moh, great information, I need to learn a few of these.

David Rowland

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RE: Survival Priorities
7/27/2014 3:16:09 AM
Looks like your off to a great start on your forum Moh. Keep up the good information.
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