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It’s An Inside Job
7/8/2014 2:05:01 PM
The Daily Meditation 7.08.2014

“It’s An Inside Job

Lovater Harris Jones, RScP

Lovater H. Jones,RScP“No one can find God for us; each individual must do this for himself. We cannot find God outside the self because we cannot go outside the self. There is no place where we begin and God leaves off. We can find God only within ourselves.”

Ernest Holmes

“Living the Science of Mind”

From the above quote, and after contemplating on the same, one must then conclude, that the “road” to God is through the self. The Spirit within is our Source; our Sufficiency; and our Guidance. It is the very answer to every inquiry, no matter how small, and simply awaits our recognition and desire for self-discovery.

How often do we seek the answers for what is troubling us from those we consider wise and who we think possess the answer for what ails us? Nothing could be further from the truth. The answer lies deep within each of us, individulized, and awaits our recognition. It is the Comforter; It is the Truth of our being; It is clarity to what appears to be confusing; It is order to that which is appearing as chaos; It is Divine Guidance when we come to the fork in the road and don’t know which way to go. It is the way, the Truth and the Life and it’s ALL an inside job!

Realizing that the answer is always inside, I invite you to go to that Sacred/Secret place within, and in quiet, calm, assurance, affirm the following:

I harmonize and align myself with the Presence of God that is within me, right now. My every thought resonates with Love, Peace and Joy; as I know none other than Love, Peace and Joy. Knowing that this is ALL there is, and knowing that there is no place where God ends and I begin, or where I end and God begins, I affirm my Oneness with this Source of my life. I have no existence separate and apart from this Life of God within me. It is my Source of Supply. It is Perfect Companionship. It is Health and Wholeness. It is the answer to my every desire. It is the Truth of my very existence. I, therefore, allow it to be! And so it is!

Lovater Harris Jones is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM 87107

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