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Richard Mathiason

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The Pathway to True Freedom for Anyone
7/5/2014 3:37:00 PM
The Daily Meditation 7.05.2014

“The Pathway to True Freedom for Anyone

Ernest Holmes, Our Founder

Ernest HolmesThe Spirit of man, which is his self-knowingness, is the only part of him which has volition or self-choice; all else acts as automatic law. Man’s conscious thought, acting through Law, may change any condition in his experience, provided he can clearly conceive of such conditions being changed. There is no limit to the Law. Limitation is not inherent in the Law, but is a result of man’s inability to embody the Truth and constructively use the Law. Man has at his disposal, in what he calls his subjective mind, a power that is Limitless; this is because he is One with the Whole on the subjective side of Life.

There is but One Mind and One Law, which all people use, consciously or unconsciously, constructively or destructively: One Spirit, One Mind, One Law, One Substance… but many forms. There is One Ultimate Reality, but within this One are many experiences. Man is within the One and draws from It all of his experiences. As man thinks he subjectifies thought and sets Law in motion, through the Medium of the Universal Mind. This Law works automatically until it is consciously changed. To learn how to think is to learn how to live, for our thoughts go into a Medium that is Infinite in Its ability to be and to do. Man is using a Power which is Infinite, as compared with the power of his conscious thought.

Great as the subconscious is, its tendency is set in motion by the conscious thought, and in this lies the possibility of and the pathway to freedom. Freedom and bondage, sickness and health, poverty and riches, Heaven and Hell, good and bad, big and little, happiness and misery, peace and confusion, faith and fear, and all conditions which appear to be opposites, are not really a result of the operation of opposing powers, but ARE THE WAY THE ONE POWER IS USED.

We are bound because we are first free, and the power which binds us is the only thing in the universe which can free us. Man already has, within himself, the key to freedom but he must come to realize his relation to the Whole. This relationship is one of complete Unity.

Holmes, Ernest (1998-08-24). The Science of Mind: The Definitive Edition (pp. 133-134). Penguin Group. Kindle Edition.

Ernest Holmes is the Founder of Religious Science (Centers For Spiritual Living) and the author of numerous books, most notably the “Science of Mind”

Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM 87107

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