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God Always has “The Way” Covered
7/1/2014 2:09:24 PM
The Daily Meditation 7.01.2014

“God Always has “The Way” Covered

Nancy Bowers, RScP

Nancy Bowers, RScP

“The cost of giving is receiving.” – A Course in Miracles.

It is nearly time for our teens to go off to camp. I am blessed to be one of the advisors who accompany them on this journey to teen camp where each of them steps more fully into the person God intended them to be. So I pause for a moment to contemplate the nature of giving and receiving and to give
thanks for God’s supportive nature:

There is but one Life, one Source, one Power behind everything and everybody. I call this power God. It is the giver of all of life, the essence of everything and that essence is Love. It is Generosity, Support, the Ultimate Gift-Giver the Father and Mother of all of creation.

And this life, is mine. I am one with it. It is the truth of who and what I am. And recognizing this, aligning with this, I recognize that my true nature is one of generosity, is one of giving. Being one with the Divine, I recognize how supported I am and also, how free I am. And just as I know this is true of me, I know this is true of you. For in actuality, there is but one of us here. We are all members of this one life known as humanity. We are all the same, connected, inseparable from the One Source that created us.

And, knowing this, I recognize how it is in this givingness that I determine how and what I will receive. I recognize that all giving is receiving and that how I show up for others sets the tone for how others show up for me. I recognize that in my willingness to trust that I am cared for, I give permission to others to trust. In my willingness to live in such a way that demonstrates my faith in God, I create a space to receive. I can relax. I do relax, for my willingness to trust in God opens up countless possibilities for me. In affirming my Source, I allow creativity to rush in to support me. I allow surprise to surround me. I allow miracles to come forth and bless me. I step into my blessedness. I feel how loved and supported I am. Peace comes to me and I let go of fear. I give generous, not because I want to receive in kind but because I recognize that giving to others is giving to myself. I make room for more good to enter my life. I allow myself to be supported.

I know this for me, and I know this for you. You are supported. You are blessed. You are a space for receiving ten-fold all the good you put out into the world. And I give thanks for this because in this knowing, I get to experience how community works. I get to experience how awesome it feels to be supported. I give thanks for all the members of our community that gave generously to allow our teens to go to camp. I give thanks for the teens and their willingness to be seen and allow the community to experience what I already knew – that they are amazing beings who are our ticket to a world that works for everyone.

Then I let go of this prayer – knowing my only job was to allow. God always had “the way” covered for the Divine is our Father and we were made in His likeness and image. “The cost of giving, is receiving.” I give thanks. I give thanks. And So It Is! Amen.

Nancy Bowers is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM 87107

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