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I Allow My Prayers to Be Answered
6/27/2014 2:19:28 PM
The Daily Meditation 6.27.2014

“I Allow My Prayers to Be Answered

Nancy Bowers, RScP

Nancy Bowers, RScP

It’s breezy tonight and in the coolness of the breeze I feel the breath of God. Sweet, caressing, lovingly sweeping away the heaviness of the day, the oppression of the heat. Tonight, in one easy moment, all sorrows are brushed aside, cleared in Love, removed in Goodness. Tonight, God came courting, and in a single moment, I surrendered, knowing there was nothing to fight against. I stepped into the Love and Peace became my mantra. How delicious the experience of Truth. Here in this moment, suspended in this eternal Now, duality is swallowed up into wholeness. No good or bad. No right or wrong. Just Beingness. Just the experience of standing in the Present moment where I know that Love is all there is. The rest I made up. It is not the Truth and the lie of anything other than Perfection cannot and will not live here with me. Tonight, the Divine has wooed me and I have accepted the proposal.

So, right here, right now, I remember who I am. I remember how loved I am, how wrapped in goodness my life is. I recognize the many, many moments when my prayers are answered and blessings abound. I allow my appreciation for it all to spill over me. It splits open my heart and gratitude pours out. I know who I am. I know who you are. I know the one life that is God’s belongs to all of us, each of simultaneously and that One Life is Awesomeness Supreme.

So watch what happens. Surprise! Life comes together in ways I could never have begun to fathom. Synchronicity comes and winks at me. God so loves to wink at me and I marvel because the sheer incredibility of it all knocks my socks off. God never takes the front door. So I wait and watch because I know it’s going to be amazing. “A miracle,” they exclaim because they do not understand that the language of Love is miraculous. This is the only language God knows. “Yes, yes, yes!” The answers to prayers keep showing up. Did you notice? Did you see the wink? God poured His Love into answering you and the room was drenched in Love. No it didn’t look like you expected. It rarely does, but really, could you have created a moment more perfect? Love is the honorary guest. Love is the theme. Love is the answer.

So I surrender to it. You can, too. It feels so good to be swept off my feet. Don’t you love being swept off yours? I love God surprises! I love how I can never predict what the answers to prayers will look like! And I’m always grateful. Grateful to be surprised. Grateful to be blessed with this “Yes!” Grateful, grateful, grateful. In my humanness I couldn’t begin to orchestrate things any better. In my humanness, I couldn’t imagine what this would look like. There is such joy in this surprise. And I am especially grateful that I have learned how to accept all this goodness, that I know how to allow all these blessings in. I am grateful to be available to receive.

Then I let it go. I know I don’t have to micromanage anything. Why interfere with God’s awesome? Such Perfect Love loves me perfectly and I need do nothing but allow. It’s so enchanting. It’s so easy. God is at the helm and I just sit back and enjoy the ride. And So It Is! Amen and amen!

Nancy Bowers is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM 87107

***If you have a prayer request please Click Here ***

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