
Carlos Paiva

1019 Posts
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Make Money with Boost Mobile
6/26/2014 3:55:34 AM

Uh oh! I see a Boo Boo! So, I need more phones to run on perk

So, I went to Extra Bux to see what I can see. Guess what I found? I found that the Kyocera Hydro is $24.99 with a $28 refund! So, you're getting the phone free plus making a couple of dollars! There isn't a requirement to activate so you can basically use it as a wifi phone!

First, signup to ExtraBux here:

Then, go to the store listing and go to Boost Mobile. From there, scroll down the list of phones until you get to the Kyocera Hydro. Activate the coupon and get your shop on! I'm going to get at least 2 to run Perk on.

Now, if you haven't signed up to Perk yet, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING ON? With Perk, it's super easy to make at least $6/day! You can use up to 5 devices on the same account SIMULTANEOUSLY to add points. So, to tie this in with what I typed above, if you don't have the $25 now, you can actually earn Paypal money with Perk and buy you more phones to put on your account.

Signup now.

The phone shows up as $17.49 in the cart so you're actually making $10+ per phone!!!

USA only!

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