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I Marvel at Spirit’s Creativity
6/9/2014 1:10:48 PM
The Daily Meditation 6.09.2014

“I Marvel at Spirit’s Creativity

Rev Jennie Goff, Minister

Rev Jennie Goff, MinisterI marvel at Spirit’s creativity. God takes the same components: eyes, a nose, a mouth, ears and hair and yet each human being looks different. We are similar in that we all share this planet breathing its air and partaking of its bounty and yet we are individual and unique expressions of the Great Creator. How much fun God must have playing with all the different components! Of course, we are not just physical beings; we are spiritual beings as well. Each one of us is created by God out of Itself and all that It is dwells within us simply waiting to be experienced. I know I am part of this Creative Intelligence and that is the truth about each person reading these words. I am inseparable from my source just as is everything else made of Spirit’s essence. I know Spirit is love, wholeness and well-being. This is my truth and same truth for every being.

Spirit is limitless in Its generosity and is never diminished nor decreased by Its giving. There is an infinite supply of love—enough love to heal every hurt and every pain ever experienced. This love shows up as family, friends, co-workers and even strangers. Whatever fear or difficulty I might be passing through I know there is enough love to melt away the fear and any feelings of inadequacy. Spirit is the wholeness and physical perfection that is at the very center of my body. Every cell, tissue, fiber, organ, muscle and system within my body reflects the perfect pattern that is God. I allow the truth of that statement to permeate my mind and release any ideas that are not in alignment with this truth. Knowing that I am made of Divine Perfection it is easy to let love flood my awareness and wash away any ideas that do not support the truth of my being. Every aspect of my physical body glows with love and every cell remembers its connection to Spirit.I am filled with gratitude as I remember this truth.

I am grateful for knowing that I am a powerful being and that my words and thoughts are powerful as well. I am so grateful for the philosophy of Science of Mind that has taught me this truth. I am filled with gratitude for my family and friends who know the truth about me when I forget. I am so blessed.

With a deep feeling of gratitude I release these words to the alchemy of love and law. I entrust the law with my prayer and simply allow God to do Its perfect work. I let it be and so it is.

Rev Jennie Goff is a Minister at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM 87107

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