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Richard Mathiason

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There is a Motivating Force in the Universe
5/17/2014 1:13:16 PM
The Daily Meditation 5.17.2014

“There is a Motivating Force in the Universe

Marilyn O’Leary, RScP

Marilyn Oleary, RScP

That motivating force is Love.

It is the Oneness at the beginning of all things. That One is the full expression of love, harmony, and light. It is energy, creativity, self-expression, givingness. Since we are all One, I know that I am One with Divine Love. Divine Love expresses in me, through me, as me. It expresses as energy, creativity, self-expression. It is the music I play, the poetry I write, the energy I feel when I wake in the morning, the gift I am prompted to give.

As this is true for me, it is true for all those who accept these words. Spirit is in every person prompting her or him to the most creative expression. It encourages self-acceptance, generosity, love of others. It brings peace, joy, love, and abundance. Knowing this about Spirit, I know that I can ask with confidence that these gifts of Spirit be in me. I know that no matter how I feel, no matter if I feel alone, I am not alone because Spirit is with me. It is like the story in the bible of Jesus walking with his disciples after his death. He, the Christ spirit which is the God-in-me, is always with me, regardless of how I feel. This is grace, this is divine love. It never abandons us, no matter how we feel. Its power is always there for us.

I am grateful for knowing this, I am grateful for this gift. I am grateful for the Love in the Universe.

I release my word to the Law with full confidence that it comes back to me manifested.

And so it is.

Marilyn O’Leary is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

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