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Important Update! * * * Over $13,000 * * * In Less Than 6 Minutes A Day - A Plan For Diversification!
1/24/2006 5:01:06 AM
(This is a repeat of a post that I wrote in another forum over the weekend. I have some friends who aren't members of that forum so here it is again just in case you haven't seen it yet.) You can sign-up for free right now! =======> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ OK, I have several exciting things to update you on. First of all, the new title of this forum isn't a joke. I've really earned that much with this resource! And as of October 22nd, my earnings were under $600, in November my earnings climbed up to over $2000. In December things really started taking off during what is usually a really slow marketing month and it's been going strong in January. I have to say there is nothing better than the combination of making money and seeing other friends make money at the same time. It doesn't get any better than that! If you aren't making money every single day, then you aren't in this program! One of my favorite Adland friends told me the other day that she is making $5000 a month just from her referral commissions plus she is close to maxing out the program by having $6000 invested! She has thanked me several times for telling her about this program. Unless you've experienced it you have no idea how cool it is to have someone thank you for telling you about a program where they are earning thousands a month. And yes I've thanked my sponsor over and over again for dragging me into this program. Back in early August, he literally pushed me into this, because I didn't think it would earn me any serious money! WRONG! LOL Now, it's my primary program, earning me thousands a month in residual, walk away income. Even when I don't work, I still earn. Here's an update from another Internet Marketer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello Again, Here's another message about 12DailyPro. Why so soon? Because critical mass is beginning. Just yesterday I announced that member number 276470 had joined at my site. Today, less than 24 hours later, the last member to join under my sponsorship was issued ID # 281389. By the time 24 hours has passed later today, over 6000 new members will have joined. This is critical mass! Sooner or later you just cannot ignore what is taking place. It is not very often that you can join a program and earn money simply by logging into a website each day and surfing for 5 minutes. It is not very often that you join a program that is destined to grow to a million members. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OK, it's me again. If you sincerely want to earn a daily work from home income you can, anyone can with this program. It may take you several months to get to an income you're excited about, but it beats trying for years and still only losing time or money.Basically as I've said before this program has taken away all excuses. ~ If you don't want to recruit you can just put money in and earn a great passive income and return on your money. ~ If you don't have a lot of money to put into the program you can put in $6 and still build yourself a great income by telling others about this resource. ~ If you're short on time it takes less than 6 minutes to auto surf 12 websites, and you can do something else offline while your computer is surfing. You know basic human functions like eating, house work, combing your hair, brushing your teeth! etc. etc. So there's a game plan for everyone regardless to your situation. It works, bottom line. My sponsor has been earning over $10,000 a month for awhile. I'm earning thousands a month. I have Adland friends who are earning hundreds and thousands a month. We're just normal ordinary people, most of us accomplished this with a zero advertising budget. If we can do it, so can YOU! If you're one of my new Adland friends, you may not have read my older posts about this resource. Here's a good informative post for you to read to bring you up to speed on this program. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * OK, for those who are members already, you know that we can no longer use Egold for this resource. Right now I'm using Storm Pay, but remember if you're using Storm Pay become a Certified member, then the fees are only 2.9%. I also like that 12 Daily Pro is paying Storm Pay transactions in 4 business days. Here is the link if you need to become a Storm Pay member, it's free. However don't use Storm Pay without being a NetIBA Certified member. The savings in fees will literally save you hundreds and thousands of dollars over time. My sponsor told me that EMO is next to nothing in fees, so as soon as I can I'm going to try to get myself certified in that program. I also like that you can print off instant Money orders in that program. So I for sure plan to switch over to EMO as soon as I can and I'll let you know how I like it! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I have to say what is going on with 12 Daily Pro is really blowing me away. The daily growth rate is in the thousands yet admin seems to be keeping up and running things pretty smoothly. I took all of my money out of 12 Daily Pro several weeks ago because I needed to buy NFL playoff tickets (more about that later) and since I didn't know if I was going to be trying to get to the Super Bowl (so much for that thought) I took the Egold option to have my money sent to me in an money order from 12 Daily Pro. I haven't received my money order yet, I should have that before the end of the month. But since I no longer have to be concerned about buying play off tickets or getting to the Super Bowl, I'm starting to put my money back in. I got paid in Storm Pay yesterday and put over $2000 back in. Hopefully I'll have the program tapped out with $6000 (3 $3000 positions) in the next 1 - 2 months. But what amazed me was even when I had taken all of my money out temporarily and just had 2 $6 positions I was still earning a full-time income from my referral commissions. Actually earning more than I ever have from a job. This is the type of residual income I've been wanting to earn working from home for years! Gulp! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * OK, so right now I'm earning a full-time income from just my referral commissions. That doesn't include the money I'm earning for what I personally put into the program. You can put in up to $6000 which will pay you $220 in daily pure profits even if you don't have one single referral. I'm also earning a part-time income (paying my rent) with the program mentioned in my free test drive forum. I've made 12 Daily Pro my primary program and so my number one focus is on it. However I need to set up a plan of diversification. I like to take the approach and plan for nothing lasting for ever so I need to have my income coming from several sources. I wanted to share with you what my diversification plan is. There is no one right plan. My sponsor is doing things a little differently, he's going to max out one new program at a time, but his situation is different than mine. He's maxed out in 12 Daily Pro, keeps $6000 in the program at all times and he has a job so he has a back up income. I don't have a job (and don't want one), so I've decided to do things a little different. I just wanted to state that there is no one right way. You may want to duplicate what I'm going to do, or tweak it a little for your own particular liking or maybe do something totally different. The bottom line is that once you're making money you want to diversify so that all of your work from home income isn't coming from just one resource. At first I had planned to wait to diversify after I had built up $6000 in 12 Daily Pro at all times by having 3 $3000 rotating positions. But since I've lost some time by pulling my money out, and since I'm earning a full-time income just from referral commissions I've decided to start diversifying right now. $ $ $ $ So here's my plan! ~ Over the next 5 weeks I'm going to try to join 2 passive earning programs each week, so that I'll be in 11 programs all together at the end of 5 weeks. I would like to be in 10 other programs and of course also 12 Daily Pro. I'll be creating a portfolio of programs that are passive earning type programs, where you don't have a build a downline or recruit referrals to make money. You can invest and make money. However for those who don't have much to invest I'll choose programs that do pay referral commissions so that you can earn an income by sharing the resource with others. ~ Because I want to get to the $6000 level as quickly as possible in 12 Daily Pro, I'll be starting at a minimum level in the 10 other programs until I have maxed out 12 Daily Pro. ~ Once I've maxed out 12 Daily Pro, then I'll start putting more money into the 10 other portfolio programs. ~ Once I have 11 programs in my portfolio I'll try to pick a good lead program with a good compensation plan to join. ~ I know there are tons of so call programs out there and many of you have been sending me all kinds of suggestions, however I'm all set up and have a plan set up on how I will be choosing my other 10 programs. My sponsor spends a lot of time keeping up to date on a lot of the passive income programs. I'll be joining him in 1-2 programs. I also have several contacts who already have portfolios set up so I'll be taking their advice and running potential programs past my 12 Daily Pro sponsor before deciding what I'm going to join and recommend. I'll be joining most of the programs under the people who have the passive income portfolios set up already, so that way, I'll be able to keep up to date on what is going on. If a program closes down, or I no longer feel comfortable with it, I'll take it out of my portfolio, withdraw my recommendation and add something else in it's place. So I'm all set as far as knowing where to look for potential programs. ~ I'll probably call this my * * * Profit4you Portfolio * * * and I already have my first program picked out to join. I'll send you the link and information about this program in the next 24 - 48 hours. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I got really distracted before Christmas and kinda took an extended vacation from most functions that had anything to do with work! LOL So I'm very far behind in answering correspondence, and I still have some upgraded members that I need to send success tips to. If you're an upgraded member, I know about you, I'll be working on starting to send my success tips out again in the next couple of days. If you're not an upgraded member, remember you can get started for only $6. No excuses! I'm really behind in some offline tasks as well, so I'm just going to try to catch up little by little. I have spent a few hours wading through correspondence this week so far, but I still have a lot more to answer. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * OK, on a totally personal note, (for those of you who haven't fallen asleep yet) yes, my Colts did manage to break my heart. And after I had spent so much time searching for playoff tickets, it was a major bummer. (sigh) There's nothing worse than losing for practically the entire game AND having rowdy happy Steeler fans in your dome! Some of them were the kind of rude, obnoxious, up in your face type of fans that really get on my nerves anyway, so obviously I was really not in the mood to have them around! I have to say out of all of the teams left, I like Pittsburgh the best, I like some of the players and the coach. But I don't quite feel like cheering for anything that would bring an ounce of joy to those rude fans! By the time I was leaving the RCA dome I was ready to tie up all Steeler fans with their yellow towels. (is that wrong?) LOL I do have to say that all Steeler fans from Adland who have interacted with me have been really nice. SO who knows who I'll be cheering for this weekend. The last 2 summers I was able to go to the Seattle area to visit my cousins, so I'll be cheering for them to get to the Super Bowl, because that will make my cousins happy. My 12 Daily Pro sponsor lives in the Denver area. He isn't as excited over football as I am, but I'll be happy for him if Denver wins, and happy for some of the Pittsburgh players and the coach if they win. I'm starting to feel better, I almost crashed this week. I've been on this insane late schedule. I just have trouble getting myself offline so I always end up getting to bed really late. Friday night I went to bed around 6 AM. The problem was I had to be somewhere at 9:30AM because I had found someone who wanted to buy my 2 extra tickets. Well, going on 7 AM I was still wide awake and pumped about the game, so I got up because I didn't want to over sleep. I lay down in the afternoon for what I wanted to be a short nap and didn't wake up until 6:30 PM. Really bad mistake. So of course I wasn't sleepy after that, and then we left before 9 AM Sunday to get to Indy. How I had the energy to stand up through an entire NFL game, and even jump, cheer and go totally crazy in the last 5 minutes I'll never know. I would have been OK, but I stayed up too late Sunday night. Didn't go to bed until after 3 AM which means I was up for around 33 straight hours and the next night I stayed up too late. So I started feeling, kinda under the weather. But I'm doing better today. So all I have to do is keep getting my crazy self to bed earlier each night and I'll be just fine. Anyway I'll end this on a positive note. Even though we lost, I have to say it was awesome to be able to afford to go an NFL playoff game and have 12th row seats around the 10 yard line. I've never been in the lower level before for a Colts game nor have I been to a playoff game beyond the high school level. It was really an unreal experience to be there. And even though it was quite disappointing to play and lose the way we did, I have several momentums to remind myself that my Colts were privileged to have a home playoff game and that I was privileged to be there. Two Colts playoff towels draped over my couch, 4 gaudy (LOL) blue necklaces on my dresser, a free program they gave each fan, a huge blue hand with a finger that points out, and a beautiful Colts playoff ticket. Sure wanted to get that Super Bowl ticket. (sob) Anyway I'm really grateful that for the first time in years I have money to travel and do special things. I took a couple of west coast trips the last 2 years, but my Dad paid for those, he has wanted to escape for a few weeks for the last 2 summers since Mom died and I'm always thrilled to get away. But now for the first time I have money to pay for things myself. And I'm real grateful because it's been a long time since I've had money to travel. Since my Super Bowl dreams were crushed, I think sometime in February, I may go back to my favorite church in the world in Columbus, Ohio - Rod Parsley's World Harvest church. I also want to see if they are having their July camp meeting this summer, I would love to go to that. I've never been. And I'd like to see of Bishop Jakes is having a cruise this year. It's been years since I've gone on a cruise, it would be real cool to be able to go on Jakes cruise, I think they went to Alaska last summer. Oh and the Australian Open started Sunday night, so it's pretty cool to have daily tennis to keep me entertained as I work. My Colts heart needs all the comfort it can get right now. I have nothing else exciting to look forward to in sports this season since Ron Artez has managed to ruin 2 straight seasons for the Pacers. So maybe I'll start getting the Charisma magazine so I can get some other ideas of some cool things to do. My sponsor is going to the 12 Daily Pro conference. I guess I could have done that, but I'd rather pick a spiritual conference to go to. That's something I'd be much more excited about. I also want to treat my Dad to a trip sometime this year. Or maybe a couple of trips. He and Mom helped me through a lot of lean years, when I got burnt out from the corporate and sales world, so he deserves to be treated. Well, catch ya later. And if you're not earning every single day working from home, why not get started today? You can sign-up for free right now! =======>

I've enjoyed making money working from home for over 8 years. I have a real passion to show others how to do the same.

All members share in a revenue profit pool that is paid out several times a day! You don't have to sponsor to participate and earn. Get paid very well just for advertising your business. No daily sub commitment. Start with as little as a one time $2 ad. This site has a write up that explains what makes this income stream so unique. ~ ~

~ Register for free today. ===>>>

This income cash strategy paid me $500 the first week that I tried it. Since then it has paid me over and over again. Now it come with a free Marketing System. You can also access marketing resources and training to help you to build any business. You can be paid in 48 hours.~ ~ ~

Re: Important Update! * * * Over $13,000 * * * In Less Than 6 Minutes A Day - A Plan For Diversification!
1/24/2006 6:07:43 AM
Your write up is fun to read. Have you considered blogging?? While I'm not trying to advertise and you may be a member here already, Dand and Dave's is open for new enrollment for a few more days and then it will be going private. It has a good record and is listed among the top 5 auto surfs. I am a member of other "investment" programs that have gone private and find it adds stability. 12DP has been a real blessing for everyone that is giving it a fair try, it's great what it's doing for people, but I am in agreement with you, nothing lasts forever-the Net is a fickle place!! Have an awesome week, and thanks so much for sharing info about you! God bless you,
Your Guruette On The Net Marianne McEachern Success Consultant
Re: Important Update! * * * Over $13,000 * * * In Less Than 6 Minutes A Day - A Plan For Diversification!
1/24/2006 6:47:52 AM
Felicia, I agree 12DailyPro is awesome. Myra
Join to Earn Money! ~ See my art here: ~ Digital Frames ~
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Re: Important Update! * * * Over $13,000 * * * In Less Than 6 Minutes A Day - A Plan For Diversification!
1/24/2006 6:49:50 AM
Thank you for the invitation to this forum Felica. I am a member of 12 daily pro and I say people, people, you need to join a money maker.
Douglas Grounds
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Re: Important Update! * * * Over $13,000 * * * In Less Than 6 Minutes A Day - A Plan For Diversification!
1/24/2006 1:35:00 PM
Hi Marianne. No I haven't considered blogging. It's enough for me to keep up my forums and I still have other things that I need to do that I'm not doing yet. Have a good one!

I've enjoyed making money working from home for over 8 years. I have a real passion to show others how to do the same.

All members share in a revenue profit pool that is paid out several times a day! You don't have to sponsor to participate and earn. Get paid very well just for advertising your business. No daily sub commitment. Start with as little as a one time $2 ad. This site has a write up that explains what makes this income stream so unique. ~ ~

~ Register for free today. ===>>>

This income cash strategy paid me $500 the first week that I tried it. Since then it has paid me over and over again. Now it come with a free Marketing System. You can also access marketing resources and training to help you to build any business. You can be paid in 48 hours.~ ~ ~


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