Find the 22 words hidden on the grid above for the following phrases. The words can be hidden right to left, left to right, up and down or diagonally in the grid. And they can be forward or backward. Measure of current Signal booster Storage device Lets current flow only in one direction Famed inventor He used a kite to demonstrate that lightning is a form of electricity Measure of the rate of oscillation in alternating currents Electrical power maker Device that generates an extremely narrow light beam Inventor who first demonstrated wireless communication Converts sound to electricity Form of energy used in a common kitchen appliance Controversial way of producing electricity Measure of electrical resistance Electrical control device Converts electricity to sound On-off device Device used to change current or voltage in AC circuits Miniature marvel of electronics Old device used in radio, TV, etc., now obsolete Measure of electrical potential Scottish inventor whose name is used as a measure of power try iy