Extravagant €40m EuroMillions TRIPLE Rollover! HURRY, don't miss out! You Play We Play celebrated over 1,700 winners in the last 14 days ALONE. There's still time to join them this Tuesday, but HURRY only 24 HOURS remain to secure your place...  Multiple syndicates are already open and *bursting* with your entries! Dear Lotto Lover, It's rolled again. No-one won Friday's jackpot, so this Tuesday 15th April is the 34th triple rollover draw and the 229th rollover in total. The EuroMillions jackpot is an extravagant €40m and is fast becoming a rollover money machine! DON'T MISS OUT! There's a new, lower prize category now introduced. You win for matching just TWO main numbers. Our unique "Play As You Go" Single Ticket option gives YOU: a cool share of upto 50 entries toward an extravagant €40m jackpot 50 millionaire raffle tickets for a guaranteed millionaire for just £3 and that's not all... if your syndicate doesn't win at least 1 prize within 12 weeks, we'll REFUND 100% of your entry fees. global lottery syndicates with upto 49 other people. 50 unique entries for the price of 1! Now that has to be worth a try  A single EuroMillions ticket at your local newsagent would cost you £2  There are 50 people in each syndicate so there are only a limited number of syndicate places available and they will go on a first come first served basis.  Play Together, Win Together! Don't forget... Recommend a friend = play for free + make money! Get sharing today. Why not forward this e-mail to your friends? If you haven't already, make sure you "Add us on Facebook" and "Follow us on Twitter" for the latest: - Special Promotions (unique to only Twitter and Facebook users),
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