Think Outside The Cube Cubicle workers all over the globe are looking for a change. Despite having access to modern communication and collaborative working tools, most folks are still forced into a soul-sucking daily commute. Top that with lack of flexibility and longing for more time with family and loved ones, it's not surprising that we're experiencing a worldwide resurgence of entrepreneurship. Work from home or know someone who does? The benefits are obvious... * Flexible hours * More family time * Freedom from the rat race * Independence * Mobility Break free from cubicle culture with Site Build It! (SBI)...! A Work From Home Revolution! Entrepreneurship is where the action is. Millions of folks just like you agree. Whether they have a passion to change the world, become their own boss or simply make more money, the growth of independent business is exploding. Site Build It! (SBI) helps Connect the dots from escaping the cubicle to becoming independent, home-based entrepreneurs. It easily puts you on a solid path to prosperity... There are many challenges faced by those looking for more than the 9-to-5, and are discovering how to escape the reach of "The Cube!" Think Outside The Cube- Join The Work From Home Revolution: Note: "The Cube" is the abstract nemesis of the work from home entrepreneur - and he also has eyes and a mouth... There're those who HAVE escaped "The Cube" and continue to "escape its clutches!" Are You The "Work From Home" Type?