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Invite Me as a Friend
The Glowing Light of God
4/7/2014 1:45:01 PM
The Daily Meditation 4.07.2014

“The Glowing Light of God”

Joy Lynn Hertz, RScP

Joy Lynn Hertz, RScPThere is one Presence and Power in our lives and in our hearts – the ever expanding glowing light of God. We connect with that ever present Power now in this time of sacred communion with the Holiest of Spirits. Each other. One Mind, One Heart, One Love has been gifted to us and we accept this gift graciously with open minds and hearts. Infinite Spirit, how good it is when our love for you and each other cannot be contained. When we choose to live peacefully. When kindred spirits recognize each other through the God attribute of harmony. Like fresh water springs bubbling up. Spilling out. Running over. Awaking even those most closed hearts to take a peek outside of the comforts of their familiar.In this moment we experience the oneness of knowing that we are here by Divine appointment and without doubt one is not complete without the whole, for we are
spiritual beings who accepted the invitation to embrace the human experience
happening in this exact time and space. Thank you Divine One for the energy of
Oneness that pumps through every fiber of our being – nourishing and restoring any appearance of separateness to wholeness wonder and pure joy.

I know that there is a presence and a perfect Law irresistibly drawing into my experience everything which makes my life happy and worthwhile. I know that
friendship, love, and happiness belong to me. Nothing but Good can go forth from me. The Good that I receive is but the completion of a circle, the fulfillment of my desire to be One.

I know that the glowing light of God leads me to freedom and joy, for they are my birthright. This freedom and joy spontaneously express themselves in through and around my physical experience. There is nothing in me that can obstruct freedom and joy. I permit freedom and joy to flow through me in all their wonder and might. I am conscious of the awesomeness of Infinite Wisdom directing me. Whatever I ought to know I shall know. Whatever I ought to do I shall do. There is Good for me and I accept my Good now. I am compelled to recognize my Good, to understand and accept it, and to act upon it. With peace joy and an open Mind and Heart I enter into the fulfillment of life in this moment and each moment moving forward.

My heart is filled to overflowing with gratitude in the knowing that life is Good for me and you. I release my Word into the Law knowing it cannot come back to me void. IT IS DONE! IT IS COMPLETE! AND SO IT IS!

Joy Lynn Hertz is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

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