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Richard Mathiason

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Turning Away from Conditions
4/1/2014 12:40:08 AM
The Daily Meditation 4.01.2014

“Turning Away from Conditions”

Nancy Bowers, RScP

Nancy Bowers, RScP

The Truth is often spoken of in our philosophy, but what exactly does that mean? It refers to the immutable – the changelessness that is God. How sweet the contemplation of it! How soothing is this eternity!

There is but One Life, that is Omnipotent, Irrefutable – this Power I call God. It is the Oneness – the Truth behind the appearances of duality. Beyond the world of good and evil, up and down, black and white, there is only Love. God, the One Source, the Changeless, the energy in and through everything and everybody is perfect Peace. It is Peace because It knows only this Changeless Reality that cannot be disturbed by any of the layers we place atop it. Behind it all lies Certainty. Beyond it all lies the Peace that cannot be disturbed, the Joy that cannot be eradicated, the Love that cannot be denied.

For God, the One, the Only is Perfect Love – unshakable, irrevocable, constant and unconditional. And this perfect love is the truth of who and what I am. I was made in Sprit’s likeness and image, from that same changeless, beautiful stuff. I am the peace of God, the goodness, the joy. I am perfect health, for God knows no sickness. I am limitless; for God is unbridled freedom, endless supply and support –bounty beyond earthly experience. This limitlessness of God is my birthright. This perfect health is what I experience when I am aligned in the Truth. For Spirit cannot be ill and Spirit cannot be poor, and because the truth of who I am in that perfect spirit, it is my truth. And not only is it my truth, it is the truth of each and every person reading this, and of each and every person in existence. It is your truth; your birthright, your legacy. We are the Sons and Daughters of the All-Mighty; we are the Blessed Ones.

And so I claim for myself the ability to stay rooted in this knowingness of God. I turn away from appearances. I am no longer seduced by the duality of earthly existence. I know who and what I am. I stay rooted in love always. I choose to recognize that whatever appears to be something other than goodness, other than peace, other than joy, is NOT truth. I remember that perfect alignment with Spirit allows me to experience God’s Peace and God’s Love. I remember than health and abundance are the natural result of remembering who and what I am. I remember that and step into serenity. I recognize this truth for you and claim it on your behalf. It is God’s gift to you, awaiting redemption. Take it. It is yours.

For it is the Father’s good pleasure to give us the kingdom. It is God’s will that we experience the bounty He has been holding for us in escrow. Mother God aches to nurture us and lavish us with Her endless Love. I give thanks for that. I give thanks for the knowingness that such love is always present, always mine to drink in – an elixir of deliciousness. God offers the cup always and I am thankful to know how to say yes. I am grateful to worship among like-minded people who hold the space for me to remember my inheritance, as I remember for them. “Namaste,” we greet one another. How good it is to recognize God. The appearances of Duality can no longer seduce me with illusions. It can no longer seduce you.

So I release this prayer. I let God handle the details. I know as God knows – certainty – unshakable, unflappable. My outcome is peace, my outcome is love, my outcome is joy. Yours is too! Doesn’t it feel good to let it go and sink into carefreeness? How wonderful to relax into the realization that it’s already done! And So It is! Amen, Sweet Jesus, Amen.


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