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The Season of Spring
3/31/2014 12:46:49 AM
The Daily Meditation 3.31.2014

“The Season of Spring”

Louie Martinez, Practitioner I Student

Louie Martinez

At this time of year, my heart turns to the beauty of Nature unfolding everywhere. I am reminded that this sacred field of Life is all around us surrounding us with it Beauty. I see It, feel It and Know It is the essence of the Life revealing Itself as the birds singing those joyous Spring songs early in the morning right outside of my window. I am amazed at how plants spring up from the soil and the trees which appeared lifeless are budding with infinite possibilities of revelation. My prayer treatment is that we all will be in step with Mother Nature as she reveals to us the essence of her glory.

I recognize the many miracles of Life in God. I see God as the dawning of a new day that spreads that glorious light that fills our beautiful New Mexico skies with beams of glory and illumination. I feel the Love of God as the plants surfacing from the field of unlimited possibilities and I know the Self Expression of God as Trees unfolding their leaves everywhere I look. There truly is a sacred mystery unfolding as the Perfection, Beauty and Self Expression of God.

I become One with Life when I take the time to consciously breathe in this miracle called Life. I am One with the One when I breathe consciously and rhythmically with the Life Force. I am brushed by the Spring time winds flowing all around me and all of Life. I am present to this transformation of season into a new season of Life. I am One with this Self Expressed Presence that I call Good.

I realize that I am blessed to be a part of a cosmic Beauty unfolding all around me. When I take the time to look deeply into a flower and see what every what the Creator has manifested, I realize that I am looking into the heart of God. When I take time to smell the Spring growth all around, I am reminded of the essence of Beauty as It is expressed. As I turn my head to the skies I hear the birds singing a wild concert of the ancient songs of Spring. There is a fresh and insightful tone in their voices that undeniable tells of what this day is intended for and it is Joy, Happiness and Well Wishing. I realize that birds are God’s little angels that dot our trees and fill our skies with the poetry of movement and sound. And what I know is true for me is true for every living creature and it is simple to grateful for this time to experience Life as It really is.

I too give thanks and sing my own praises to the Creator of the Universe. I say thank you to this generous Universe that gives us all that we need to experience this miracle that I call Life. I say thank you God for pure sunlight, clear air, Spring time breezes, good soil, and water. I am truly blessed to live in the Kingdom of Life which is right here and right now.

I release my words into the Laws of Life and of Reflection and the Laws of this Universe knowing that they will create this intended Beauty, Love, Gratitude and Self Expression. And so it is.

Louie Martinez is a Practitioner I Student at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

***If you have a prayer request please email it to ***

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