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One Incredible Power
3/25/2014 12:26:30 AM

The Daily Meditation 3.25.2014

“One Incredible Power”

Ardy Reed, RScP

Ardy Skinner, RScP

I recognize there is one Incredible Power that resides in me in every given moment.

There is One Presence that is filled with Amazing Power, Endless Grace, Pure Joy, and Boundless Abundance.

This presence is in the center of my being. It fills me and is my existence. Within me is this amazing power, endless grace, pure joy, and boundless abundance. And just as I know this truth for me, I also know and this is absolutely true for you.

We are living in this presence in every given moment! In realizing this, I see, feel, and know that every encounter we have in life is filled with this amazing power. We see, know and acknowledge its presence within the center of our being– and it gives us precisely the words, actions, and thoughts that embrace it! Every challenge is met with this power. Every encounter we have is met with this amazing power and grace! This endless grace is the beautiful ribbon the ties us to every single individual we meet and allows the consciousness of oneness to be received and shared! I know and feel, within every single cell of being, the pure joy that is happening right now for us– and I see this pure joy radiating through us as it allows others to celebrate the one pure joy in who we are! I proclaim the boundless abundance that is at hand! There is endless opportunity, endless perfect encounters, endless supply in every area there is need! And we recognize it, share it, receive it, and know it!

I am so grateful for this amazing power in you and me! I am thankful for the pure joy, the boundless abundance, and the endless grace in our lives! It is ours now and I am so grateful for all of these blessings that are ours in every given moment!

I release my word knowing that law is the perfect partner to my word– just as the soil is the perfect partner to the seeds we plant! It is done. It is here now!

And so it is!

Ardy Reed is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

***If you have a prayer request please email it to ***

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