
Free SEO analysis of your site
3/21/2014 5:29:41 PM
Hey fellow entrepreneurs,

If you currently have a website and wonder how it's doing with search engine optimization (SEO), my partner and I would love to help. If you need help getting your site to rank better in the search engines - and get to the 1st page of Google - for a limited time Serenity and I will do a free analysis of your site.

All you have to do is send us an email to, type 'SEO analysis' in the subject field (so that we know you are human), and put your website address in the body of the mail. After that, we'll reply with our findings.
Right now we're in the research & development phase of creating a new info product. This info product - “Bootstrap Marketing - Online Business Success With Little/No Money” - will consist of an ebook and bonus materials that teach entrepreneurs how to start and/or market their business with little/no money, compete with the “big boys,” and achieve success online. If you have a few minutes, please visit and take our survey. Your honest feedback will help make our info product really awesome!
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