OK, now this is a “once in a lifetime” kind of opportunity… My friend
Ken Wilber, who I think just might be the smartest living human, is doing a live online event to teach how to become the “superhuman” version of yourself.
If you don’t know who Ken is, let me give you the quick intro – before sending you to sign up for his free live event.
Ken wrote a book called
“The Spectrum Of Consciousness” when he was 23 years old. And it’s an incredible book that changed the field of developmental psychology.
Since then, he has written dozens of books about the intersection of psychology, spirituality, philosophy and human potential and evolution.
I’ve learned some of the most important mental models and “perspectiving” tools that I know from Ken. I use these tools constantly in my teaching, marketing and business.
I could rant and rave about Ken for hours, but for now, I’ll just say that if you want to learn the most comprehensive and usable map for your own development and self- actualization, then
LISTEN TO KEN. Here’s the opportunity: Ken is doing an online event called
“Your Superhuman Potential” – and I’ve got a link where you can attend for free. No strings.
Inside, Ken will show you some of the most interesting “maps” of consciousness and development that exist. And he’ll show you how to realize your own potential.
It’s on March 20th at 9 PM Eastern / 6 PM Pacific. This is the first time I’ve seen Ken do something like this, and because he’s a friend, I can give you the very first access to register for it.
Go and sign up for Ken’s “Your Superhuman Potential” event on March 20th. You can register to attend here as a guest: This guy is a real game-changer!